MovieChat Forums > Swamp People (2010) Discussion > wtf? why kill gators.. that's F'ed

wtf? why kill gators.. that's F'ed

We can't let them go extinct! people like these rednecks will run the population down


Did you even listen to what was said on the show? The gator season lasts one month, and it is tightly restricted. Only a certain number of tags are given. This limited hunting helps keep the alligator population in check. They aren't on the brink of extinction.


I seriously doubt that anyone check up on those hillbillies how much they hunt between hunting seasons. That type of semi-pro hunters that hunt, or fish for that matter, often drive populations down given enough time.

That's what fishers have done to the Cod all over the world. People whine about the big fishing boats, but at the same time private fishers fish like crazy and sell to local stores.


You're an idiot, mitheone4u. They say on the show, week after week, that this one month, heavily regulated hunt is done to prevent over population.

At one time, gator hunting was forbidden in the south because of the low numbers. This went on for a long time and then, one day, someone looked around and realized gators were taking over.

Having lived in the deep south, let me assure you, when the gators take over, pets disappear from yards, there are actual recorded reports of small children being taken by large gators.

Also, a greater problem is idiots like you who think killing them is wrong so you go down there, throw them some food (awwwwww, isn't that ADORABLE!?) so the gators lose their natural fear of humans and they start attacking them.

Do your research next time...

And remember, 'tis far better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.


mitheone4u is almost 100% a liberal. Talks about "rednecks" herr derrp but in reality has NO CLUE what the hell he's talking about.

IMBD Fail #1: "You're just jealous"


Aligators are apex predators in the swamps of louisiana they have no natural enemies. Hunting is the only way to keep the population in check.

Remember in the first episode when Troy killed big head? If you remember he killed him right next to a swimming area where children come to play. He was poised to take a bite out of some kid


I don't know about that. I'm 100% liberal and I hunt and fish. Having no sense doesn't make someone a liberal.


How many non liberals do you know that use the word redneck in a derogatory way? Just like how many racist do you know that use the nword as a term of endearment. I'm not saying liberals are stupid. I know many liberals and conservatives and neither political parties are more ignorant than the either. They are all human beings and some are stupid like the original poster and some are intelligent like cynobite. Personally I am a libertarian.

IMBD Fail #1: "You're just jealous"


Well, as a Kentucky liberal, I find the word "redneck" extremely offensive, unless one means it in the way it originated. ;)

I have a feeling that the original poster is a troll, though.



Bleeding heart hippies would rather see the gators kill us and our children than to see us hunt them.

I don't know how many times I've heard of gators coming into town, trying to cross Martin Luther King Blvd (I live in Houma, La), or how many times the cops have been called because a gator got into someone's backyard.

People who don't know what they are talking about need to just shut the hell up.

What, did you think I was gonna say something important? Pssh!


People forget that gators are predators, not pets. I am an animal lover, but when it comes to gators, I have no sympathy. They will eat my child alive if given half a chance.


There was an episode of "Wife Swap" where a woman from Thibodaux traded places with a woman from California. The La woman sells gator skulls (and I want to say they run a restaurant that sells alligor dishes), and the Cali lady and her whole family are vegans (*shudders*).

Anyway, the La lady brings some gator skulls as gifts for the family and their friends (since these items are popular with tourists), and everyone was super offended.

The dad was like,"we don't believe in killing living creatures blah blah blah," and she says back,"would you kill a spider in your house?" Obviously he said,"Yeah, cuz it might bite one of the kids"

And she comes back with the perfect line,"Well, in my neck of the woods, they're more likely to get bit by an alligator."

At which point, me and my mom applauded, lol.

What, did you think I was gonna say something important? Pssh!


When Troy and Liz caught T Rex it already ate a dog and already harassing fishermen (Ringo and his friends), Troy went out of his way to catch T-Rex before it ate a child. This country could use more men like Troy Landry.

Badder than old King Kong, Meaner than a Junkyard dog


Does anyone care if the South gets hurt? It a bunch of racist, uneducated, republican rednecks


1: I'm not racist. I can't be. I'm white, black, and Native American.. A great many of the people where I live are either in or are the product of an inter-racial relationship.

2: I graduated high school. I didn't go to college. Not because I wasn't accepted, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life in debt. I want to be a teacher, and they don't get paid much, though they should. I'm currently employed as an electrocardiograph technician at a local hospital.

3: I consider myself more libertarian since I'm fiscally conservative but socially liberal.

4: In South Louisiana, we aren't rednecks, we're Coonasses. Get it right.

Lastly, if you're going to insult someone's intelligence, I would suggest making sure you use proper grammar:

"Its", not "it". And you forgot the period at the end or your sentence.

What, did you think I was gonna say something important? Pssh!


"Lastly, if you're going to insult someone's intelligence, I would suggest making sure you use proper grammar:

"Its", not "it". And you forgot the period at the end or your sentence."



Your name fits you perfectly.


I meant to respond to dork.


Humans are overpopulated too. Should we go and kill them too? Where does it end.


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What, did you think I was gonna say something important? Pssh!


K insert witty name here, let's say you are from a different country, that make it okay to kill you? You are trespassing on american territory. So let's go and kill all illegals.


That depends: am I trying to EAT PEOPLE?

What, did you think I was gonna say something important? Pssh!


So using your words it would be fine to keep humans in "check" by killing them? Because clearly there are way too many humans around everywhere. Get down from your high horse.

Humans are the plague of this world, not other animals. Get your facts straight.


Can we start with you? :}



Easy to say when you've never had to call the cops because your afraid your toddler is gonna lose an arm because of the 7 foot alligator got into your back yard.

And not all humans are gonna kill people. You get close enough to a gator, and it WILL attack.. Not maybe, and they can run faster than you.

And sometimes you don't know one is there until its too late, because they don't always growl right before they attack.

Don't comment on things you know nothing about.

What, did you think I was gonna say something important? Pssh!


Not all liberals are hippies or bleeding hearts. I'm liberal but still enjoy the show. I grew up in the country so I understand the need for hunting seasons and keeping populations of certain species in check. Don't lump all of us together. You don't want to be stereotyped so don't stereotype others.


Not all liberals are hippies, that's true, but all the hippies I've met have been liberal. So to that extent, I am correct.

What, did you think I was gonna say something important? Pssh!


There are a lot of hunters and tags out there for a month. They are probably going a bit too dramatic on the "events" with the alligator hunters. However one do wonder if some of the waters aren't overfished for gators.

"Alligators reach breeding maturity at about 8 to 13 years of age, at which time they are about 6 to 7 feet (1.8–2.1 m) long. From then on, growth continues at a slower rate. The oldest males may grow to be 16 feet (4.85 m)[20] long and weigh up to 1,200 pounds (510 kg) during a lifespan of 30 or more years."

It takes them around 8 to 13 years to reach 6-7 feet. Can you imagine how long it takes a gator to reach 12 feet? It's not like they go 12 feet in a year. This is why i have a hard time believing that the gators aren't being overfished. I have seen some clips with parts of the swamp being littered with gators. The thing is when you watch "Swamp People" you don't really see that many gators. Can someone please explain what is going on?


Yes basically they are not overfished. The wildlife is monitored by several wildlife and fishery agencies. If the gators are in any sort of danger of being underpopulated, they will cancel the season or adjust the amount of tags a hunter can buy. Nature and man have this down to a science and the way you see it on the show is the way it will be probably forever. Barring some sort of horrible act of god, it is all perfectly balanced out.

IMBD Fail #2: "I didn't see this movie but..."


I understand the whole hunting an animal to keep it's population in check.. I'm from Minnesota; every year we do the same with deer.

The only question I have is what do they do with the gators once they've killed them? A previous poster mentioned a woman selling gator skulls.. is it basically the same as what deer hunters do with the carcasses?

Dance to the songs from the cars as they pass
Weave through the cardboard, smell that trash


After they kill them, the gators are either sold or eaten. Every part of the gator gets used for something.


The meat and hide are the 2 most used items. The meat is eaten and the hide is tanned for leather.

OP let me guess you buy your meat at the local grocery store where no animals were harmed getting it.


Why don't we do the same with humans? I could start a show where we hunt people to cull the population. Something tells me that show would get very many viewers.


We do do it with humans, it's called the death penalty, you can watch it all day every day until you are bored to no end on the Discovery ID channel.


We do do it with humans, it's called the death penalty, you can watch it all day every day until you are bored to no end on the Discovery ID channel.

Yeah... but in the rare times that the "Death Penalty" is administered.. the piece of garbage being put to death, has been found guilty of a crime.. what crime has the alligator been found guilty of ?

If you deflect the topic of the thread from the show to me... the "discussion" is over..


They are "over populated" and need to be controlled, right. There's no such thing as too many humans though, and no shortage of animal habitat?

Humans have been encroaching upon the animals territory since the beginning of civilization and then using the excuse that they are "over populated".

It's time for you people to use your own common sense and not be brainwashed by whatever information a government agency is feeding you.


My thoughts exactly...

I never watch hunting shows, such as they are. It's not something I want to see. I can't imagine deliberately going out with the intent/hope of killing another animal, no matter how 'necessary' somebody tried to convince me it was. I'd play defense, do everything required to prevent a gator from getting onto my property and/or attacking...and just ask myself, "WWSID? What would Steve Irwin do?" Possibly call in Animal Planet's Gator Boys!
I understand that the "gator-huntin' season" is a narrow window of time and that it's highly restricted, but I STILL wouldn't do it...!

Plus, the Discovery family of networks have almost completely forgotten what they're for. Alligator-hunting on the History Channel is the most inappropriate thing ever. And then they've got treehouse-building and redwood-carving on Animal Planet...?? Aside from seeing a few tree-dwelling critters, what the hay does that have to do with animals?! It can go on Discovery or National Geographic! And while cryptozoology certainly has a place on Animal Planet, the constant search for Bigfoot and other such "mountain monsters" that's still turning up pretty much nothing is on a little too much.
Oh, how these channels all (especially TLC) need to go back to exactly what they were 15-20 or so years ago--perfection.
(E.g., for Animal Planet: Emergency Vets, Amazing Tails, Amazing Animal Videos, Animal Precinct, Animal Doctor, Pet Line, Breed All About It, Dogs/Cats 101, Zig & Zag: The Alpha Dog Challenge, The Planet's Funniest Animals, Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, Big Cat Diary, Steve and Jeff Corwin, K9-to-5, Zooventure, You Lie Like a Dog, etc., etc. They should get That's My Dog as well.)
