MovieChat Forums > Phil Spector (2013) Discussion > Turned it off after Pachino started talk...

Turned it off after Pachino started talking...

I turned off the Phil Spector HBO movie after about 20 min because I was so very unimpressed. Am I missing out or did I make the right decision? Even when Al Pachino started mumbling away I just could not get into it.... Ugh.

Character is what you are in the dark.



I couldn't get into it either. Pacino's mumbling ramblings turned me off right away. Even if he "became" Spector while reciting his lines, it just didn't pull me in. I tried two different times but it didn't work.


I usually am the type to 'tough it out' even when reading horrible books, I just make myself get to the end but I just could not do it with this... it was too muddled and slow and the obnoxious bit where the white lady was in black-face and doing a BAD Little Richard impersonation was too much for me.

And Helen Mirren bored the hell out of me too, and I usually love her!

Character is what you are in the dark.


His introduction scene was WAY too long and boring. I was like, give me a break. Shut up already and get to the freakin' point. We get it. You're weird. You're palace is weird. You're misunderstood. Got it. You could have summed it up with a look or a sentence.

I specifically reminded her - bedside table! On the Kangaroo!
