Pleasant surprise

I started watching this movie with no expectations, and found myself surprised by a beautifully-shot, well-acted film with an interesting plot and a good story line. It was refreshingly well done without special effects, relying instead on the skills of the actors particularly the two young leads.


Two questions what drugs are you on and where can i get some. Cause if you enjoyed this movie you must be on some serious ish.


The only thing you need a dose of is maturity and intelligence enough to accept that there are opinions which may differ from yours. Next time you can't derive an intelligent counter-point, refrain from posting or ask an adult to write one for you. Your "posing" is typical anonymous internet troll gibberish. Grow up.


I thought it was a good movie. It was creepy!


Lol @ guardian. Best reply about this "film" yet!

Just sayin'...


So the quotations around the word film is your way of implying that this wasn't actually a film simply because you didn't like it?
Sorry, it doesn't work that way. Last Kind Words was definitely a film.


I enjoyed it initially, until I realized the plot holes in the film, then it just stopped making sense, and disappointed me. Did she hang herself? How did he not know where the body was when he buried the slave and killed his dad there? The only reason I watched this was for Dourif. Great actor.


I rather enjoyed it as well. Like the OP, I wasn't expecting ANYTHING, so this was a pleasant surprise. Even liked the eerie score! I actually screamed a few times, which is the best part of watching a scary movie. Even if it's not 'scary' for anyone else. :-)

My Ratings:

