MovieChat Forums > The Kate Logan Affair (2011) Discussion > Um defin bad casting with a bad script, ...

Um defin bad casting with a bad script, the whole movie had plot holes

Not to mention, all I picture was Rory trying to act tough etc...

In nomine Patri, et Filii, et Spiritu Sancti


I think the off cast could have really worked if they would have had a better script with a better finish that gave her more time to be crazy.

It would have been great because obviously she is best known from the gilmore girls, so having her be a violent out of control cop could have been really shocking.

She was doing an alright job in parts, and I was expecting them to take her craziness and build on it more, but they didn't and it just kinda fizzled.

I'm cool with her getting away with it, but it didn't really seem like we got to experience the ride.


I would have made the movie 10 minuttes longer and then added some internal affair guys that does not believe her story and eventually cracks her at the end to confess.
Don't like the idea in the movie, that a cop gets away with cold blooded murder.


I only watched the movie because of Alexis Bledel.
She is awesome

I think it was interesting that in the end, Kate Logan got away with it
That broke the mold, since most movies would have had her caught in the end

either Widow would have kept at it or some IA Cop would have figured it out

During her interogation, you could hear the holes in her story
