Old School Discipline

The daughter got a few slaps from mum and dad. Actions that, to some, would be considered outrageous today, were just part of normal parenting at that time.


, I was the same age grew up in that era and never ever got a slap in the face or hit. By my mum. But , I knew loads of kids who did

I was waiting for my hearse what came next was so much worse


My husband grew up going out and bringing in a switch for a whipping. He's grown into a hard working great man. I grew up not being spanked but verbally and emotionally abused. I had no respect or discipline what so ever. I would lie to get my own way and steal. My parents made up for the abuse by buying my love and spoiling me rotten. It was harsh wake up to reality when I left home at 18.

My point is I support spanking up to a point. I don't think smacking a kid across the face is appropriate.


The slaps the daughter was given in this movie were uncalled for. The parents come across as out of control.
