'The Inception of documentaries?'

in the trailer, one of the critics it cites calls this movie "the Inception of documentaries!"

What the *beep* is that even supposed to mean?



It refers to a comment someone made (I forget who), it most likely refers to the complicated idea behind the movie. A documentary that is about the making of the documentary likened to a dream within a dream.


I'm pretty sure it means that Inception was a huge blockbuster which was highly praised and commonly discussed and anticipated. It means that this documentary is like the epic of all documentaries.


Jimmy Kimmel said that because even though the movie had premiered, the show they were doing was going to be in the movie, which it was.


jimmy kimmel says it in the movie..

because he is on the jimmy kimmel show promoting the movie and him promoting the movie on jimmy kimmel is in the movie....
