MovieChat Forums > The Greatest Movie Ever Sold (2011) Discussion > Good products--totally worked on me.

Good products--totally worked on me.

I now have a favorable opinion of the companies that chose to participate, although of some of them I was already a fan (Amy's Kitchen, Thayers toner, Pom). I also have a negative opinion of the ones that didn't (though like Morgan I did appreciate the blunt honesty of the Guess gal on the phone).

Ironically, product placement normally is a turnoff for me (like that Dr. Pepper business). I guess it showed a tiny bit of humanity that companies like Ban were willing to participate in a project that put a critical light on this common practice.

DR. Pepper, btw, has possibly been doing this for years. In the 1958 film (and possibly the Broadway show), Auntie Mame, a charactewr walks into a conversation to get a Dr. Pepper. It is mentioned two more times in the scene--although the character who drinks it is portrayed as an unsophisticated nerd, so not sure if DP had a hand in that, LOL.
