The greatest TED Talk ever sold

With humor and persistence, filmmaker Morgan Spurlock dives into the hidden but influential world of brand marketing, on his quest to make a completely sponsored film about sponsorship. (And yes, onstage naming rights for this talk were sponsored too. By whom and for how much? He'll tell you.


I just saw that on my iPad. It was okay.


The whole point that you own an ipad defeats any purpose of showing that video to you.

I've been vandalized by Elvis! -Ernest, Ernest Goes to Jail (1990)


Yes...of course?


Irony on top of irony. Oh, the irony.


Are you saying that because he owns an ipad marketing works on him and therefore would learn nothing from a film about marketing?


The fact that he bought an ipad for whatever reason and you are inclined to feel he has no brain?

Because either way you are clearly the blind one. Just because someone owns something does not mean they "fell" for marketing. Also, since he owns an ipad it does not declare anything about him at all since we do not know why he got it in the first place.

People buy things for different reasons and unless you have some clairvoyant powers of understanding then I fail to see your point.


the only reason anyone would get ipad would be falling for marketing, thus it already says a ot about person. sure the iphone and ilaptop (mac) does not say much, but ipad is one of those things that noone would buy if they though about what they need instead of what is "sold" to them.
Therefore, the answer to both of your question is YES.

I've been vandalized by Elvis! -Ernest, Ernest Goes to Jail (1990)


Strazdamonas, are you for real? You can't be for real. Can you? Really? Really, Strazdamonas? Really?? Really. Really! Really, Strazdamonas!

And even if somebody did buy an iPad for a reason you disapprove of, what business is it of yours? Laughable, you arrogant douche! According to you, somebody with an iPad has fallen for a marketing scheme, and it says "a ot" about that person. Please tell me what you mean by "a ot." What can you tell about a person who has one? And I love how you're okay with the iPhone and the "ilaptop" because they "does not say much." Okay... Um, you sound like somebody who secretly, desperately wants an iPad but for whatever reason can't get one.

Anyway, like I said. I can't believe this guy is for real. He must be a troll. Nobody is that dumb.

And I haven't checked the TED talk out because I've had enough of Spurlock and his BS. This film in particular was a mess. It failed, in my opinion. And I wanted to like it. The elephant in the room? Both the advertisers and their critics give far too much credit to the success of product placements. Maybe that's why Spurlock never actually considered the subject thoughtfully... it was based on a *beep* premise.

-Not for Nothing-


well, i guess the first part of your reply and the second part goes in together nicely. no point in arguing with an idiot i guess.

I've been vandalized by Elvis! -Ernest, Ernest Goes to Jail (1990)


I really hope you get your tubes tied, Strazdamonas. You should not be breeding.


aaaaah... And here we have the obsessive Apple Hater folks....

It used to be a rare breed, but now the species is thriving. At any mention of anything Apple, they will go into a frenzy, lashing into violence almost instantaneously..

It is almost as if Steve Jobs raped them as a child. That and they probably own an iPhone rip off phone....


back in the days when using apple products was seen as a fancy wanabe cool jerks thing there was no need for any actions as the users were too stupid to be taught anything and the rest knew better, now it seems to be a fad you cant run away from.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for enough good men to do nothing.


Nonsense. I needed a tablet in my line of work. (No beeswax of yours.) I evaluated every single tablet on the market. iPad was the best at that time. I overpaid, I know, but that's what I do for my milk too because I trust it and overpay for saving regret-cost. To each his own. I don't begrudge you for making your choices based on a different set of parameters. You should return the favor.


Wow, you'd make a mint in marketing, as apparently you are the world's foremost expert on people's tech purchasing motivations! MAGIC!

Oh and I assume you smelted your own computer from dirt, kiddo?


I'm in sales, and yeah I do pretty well..

That said, I know that the evils of marketing are there. It's something that will never go away though.

When it comes to supporting local shops, i'm all for it, but to hate on Apple incessantly is just stupid.


I guess you fell for the marketing of whatever kind of computer you used.

Don't be a hypocrite.

The Greatest Movie Ever Sold- 9/10
Shark Night 3D - 6/10


in case you're still too gullible to realize it, the gullible ipad guy was joking.



I just saw that on my iPad
I just saw that on my ipad while sipping a Barq's and reclining in my La-z-boy. Had to eventually get up because the AutoFlush (TM) features were not working.

And let the sponsorship checks roll in.

Objects under T-shirt are larger than they appear!


got d irony

think ipads r overrated ( but not d devils work )
