NEWSFLASH to Liberals . . .

Adevertising CREATED the entertainment industry! Colgate, Lucky Strike cigarettes . . . these were the original products that first CREATED the opportunity for there to even BE entertainment programming on radio and eventually television.

Without Ad dollars, there is NO entertainment industry!

Good lord, I cannot fathom why this issue is SUCH a big deal to liberals, but every liberaly I've ever met foams at the mouth when you discuss advertising. Basically, anything that is successful, they want to tear down.

Honestly, I just have no clue what liberals truly want, but I love that they think most of the country thinks like them! Very funny . . .


Um you think if there were no advertisements that the entertainment industry would end?

And you cannot see the fallacy of such a statement?

In our world people pay to be entertained whether they are told they want it or not.

If anything you could say it creates better products? But, really it just keeps giants like pepsi and doritos in control of the market since they can dominate the advertising and sales.


Advertisement allows for greater profit in entertainment. It is part of a purely capitalistic model that is flawed and fails more often than not (much like all capitalist models do/will).

Whereas the LACK of advertisement continually produces quality entertainment and profit. The best example of this is in television itself, the biggest medium for advertisements around the world. Network TV is getting worse and worse, with more and more reality crap (again a capitalist idea - cheaper production). But, on premium cable, the production quality is the best it's ever been and the programming is the most original and entertaining.

Think of HBO, where I can say with confidence EVERY show is worth a watch. This is in opposition to a network like NBC, where there is some decent programming that is overshadowed by things like "The Biggest Loser" or "The Apprentice", since they are cheaper and ergo more profitable. And decent shows with a good production budget may last a season or two; but then quickly head towards cancellation for some more reality TV, procedural tripe or a (rarely good, but always cheap) sitcom to replace them.


you missed the point of the film




Why are you ranting against 'liberals'? Did you even watch the film, or do you just take any chance you can get to slam people whose outlook you happen to oppose?


being a Liberal, I am SO GLAD I CLICKED ON THIS NEWSFLASH! Keep them coming, as I need to know what YOU think I need to know! God bless you. God. Bless. You.

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes
