MovieChat Forums > The Greatest Movie Ever Sold (2011) Discussion > The TRUTH about Advertising *MUST READ*

The TRUTH about Advertising *MUST READ*

Advertising in this consumer-driven world is POWER!

As a former Consumer Analyst for a big advertising firm, dumbing down the mass population in America is my goal. It's my job to make people DUMB! The more stupid people are in their emotions and irrational behavior, the more gain corporations are able to make in their profits. We sell based on catering to your desires, urges, wants, fears and sometimes needs. We do not let you use your brain to make practical and intellectual decisions for the long-term. We will try to lower your IQ and make you a drone to the advertising media. For instance, we can make smoking feel cool, regardless of the health issues, by promoting ads displaying people being happy as if they're liberated. It's the same technique we used for people to buy burgers even if it makes them FAT or buy that new expensive car even if it will depreciate.

Here's how we're dumbing down America to make them a slave to their desires and material wants:

- We realize that Americas are not "free" - they are deterministic beings driven by physiological needs to survive. As such, as long you are hungry, we will sell fatty food to make you crave it more. We know the lower form of happiness involves enhancing your senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, etc) and we will create wasteful products to satisfy them. Though these products provide short-lived happiness, you will buy it anyhow. You are a slave to your senses. The American society once used to produce for our "needs"; now it's for our "perceived wants."

- We exploit your social needs. We realize preaching understanding, kindness, compassion, equality, and settling aside differences are good for religious purposes but not for corporate profits. Thus, we make you feel inadequate. Fat? Try our weigh losing products, or fear being ridiculed! Big nose? Try our new rhinoplasty nose surgery! We encourage Americans to be ignorant and make fun of those who are different. The more you point at, laugh, and make stereotypical jokes of different cultures, customs, values, and beliefs, the more it will make others feel ashamed and insecure. This allows us to exploit this and create services and products that make the people feel "satisfied."

- We want you to make fun of those who speak fluently in English and ponder about the origins of the universe and the purpose of human nature. Come on, aren't those people "FAGS"? They question their society so much that they rarely shop or watch mindless TV often. Therefore, if you make fun of those people, you won't become them and instead you will become our slaves who can't think for yourself. We want you to "buy, buy, buy" not "think, think, and think." For instance, on the weekend a young Cognitive therapist was trying to discover a way to boost mental clarity, however, we hired a marketers to preach that if you study on the weekends, you are a loser and need to go out more, spend and get drunk.

Phrases that we want to popularize among the young in order for them to be brainless consumers are:

"Damn bro, you need to get OUT more!" (as in going out to buy more beers and shop)

*beep* dawg, you been studying math - all that numbers *beep* Nerd ass punk!" (we discourage the study of mathematics and science as that promote critical/logical thinking skills)

"Hahaha - man, you dress like someone from the 80's! *beep* I get my clothes from Hot Topics and American Eagle" (we discourage people from being consumer savvy and budget conscious).

"WTF is this Peace Corp for humanity you are joining crap? F- that *beep* dawg, I'm making real dough!" (we want young Americans to enter the real-world workforce instead of joining and volunteering for non-profit humanitarian organizations).

"Damn, you never heard of Paris Hilton? Been living under a rock? What a loser! It's all over T.V. Hellooo!" (we want the young people to conform to society's norm of 'garbage entertainment' and think all the same. Enjoy one thing and focus on the same celebrity news).

- In a global economy, we want young Americans to study anything to make profit and be consumer driven. We discourage young Americans to study science, math, and engineering. To do so, we pass legislation to outsource high-level jobs requiring intense calculations and automation. If it does not require a human presence, we can outsource those kind of jobs. More so, we import scientists/engineers from China, Korea, and India for cheap labor. As a result, young Americans will become stupid and lack the motivation to study science. They will become business admins, marketers, greedy financial analysts, public relations advisers, advertisers working in the fashion industry, studying communication in college. More so, we want college kids to drink a lot, party, and shop a lot! As they enter the work force, they will find jobs that encourage the masses to be a slave to their desires and buy more crap.

- Businesses work with the government, vice versa. In the same way that Bill Clinton hired a Market Research company to understand the effectiveness of his proposals and campaigns, we want businesses and the government to become one. Both will work together to dumb down the masses by creating false needs and satisfying their wants at the lowest level. In order for the government to take control of the masses, they work with business executives in the entertainment industry to offer "garbage entertainment" brain-dead reality shows like Big Brother, American Idol, Deal or No Deal, etc, to keep them entertained. Then we will promote products based on those T.V shows to have them become a slave to the TV. We will hide critical news around the world and have them become more interested in entertainment instead. By dumbing down their I.Q, we can control them well.

As Bush has once said post 9/11 "I've been told that some fear to leave; some don't want to go shopping for their families; some don't want to go about their
ordinary daily routines because, by wearing cover, they're afraid
they'll be intimidated. That should not and that will not stand in

Remember, if we can control your pleasure zone, your garbage entertainment pop and rap songs about seeing women as sexual objects, and know your desires are, we can CONTROL you. You will be a slave to your senses, desires, and pleasures. WE ARE THE ADVERTISER OF THE 21ST CENTURY!


Ah, satire - not my favourite form of comedy, but it'll do some times.

Humans do what humans must to survive - we eat, sleep and *beep* to preserve our existances. Likewise, companies do whatever they have to to exist, which is sell, buy and advertise.

That doesn't mean I like advertising, since it keeps telling me I'm fat, ugly and impotent (unless I buy their wondrous products), but its the choosen weapon of companies. If they could sell their products with other means, I wouldn't mind. Likewise, I don't mind products in films if they make sense - many modern films show people driving cars, and all cars are of a specific brand, so having a car company selling itself as the chosen vehicle producer for the main character is ok, as long as the character isn't bursting out in an ode of joy to the car...

For the record: I haven't had a TV for 12 years (one reason for kicking it out being the commercials), and I have watched very little TV since, but I have still been attacked by ads and commercials through the internet, papers and all other kinds of media. It sucks. I'm surrounded by ads and commercial messages, and I don't live in a big city in the US, so I can only imagine how bad it is there.

My vote list:


A lot of the media geared towards consumers uses subliminal messages too, right? i was watching Jeff Warrick's "Programming the Nation?" and that's all about subliminal messages in advertising and stuff trying to subconsciously convince people to buy buy buy. as a consumer analyst, did you see that type of thing happening? is that what advertising is all about now? btw i also found a review for the Warrick documentary if you're interested:
