This movie was not bad.

I was just watching it and found that people seemed underestimating it.

Certainly it was not a masterpiece nor a blockbuster. But Kim Delaney and Jared Abrahamson were delivering the good performance. Worth to watch.

Got Ya! Hahaha


No it wasn't. I can relate to a lot of things in the movie which were presented in a very kind, understanding way.


I loved this kind of movies, such as Forrest Gump, Play It Forward & The Blind Side, which reminded us that loves did existing everywhere in our lives and hopes always waiting ahead.

Happy holiday and wish you (and the people reading this post) all the best in the coming years.

Got Ya! Hahaha


Happy Holidays to you as well. One thing that really shines in "Finding A Family" is the love and caring that Alex has for his Mother and the love she has for Alex thru all her mental issues. Also the love and caring the Bante family has for Alex is really what this season is all about.


This is the kind of movie I love to watch, definitely people underestimate because it's not a Hollywood type of movie, but this film has alot of moral values and problems that touch people, and most of them can feel tocuh and relate by them.

I really like this movie, and hope people can catch it as I do.


The movie was sweet. The acting was so-so.


I think it's one of the best Hallmark films ever. For me, the best parts involve the interaction between Alex and Jen. It's good to see brothers and sisters, birth or adopted, bond with and support each other.


This is not really my type of film. I wasn't too sure who I was supposed to have the most sympathy for. I felt sorry for the mother really. She had been abandoned. But the rest of the characters left me cold.
