Waste of time!

I watched a few episodes and it's better to see the version from 1998 "El privilegio de amar" with beautiful Adela Noriega and handsome Rene Stricler.
The actors were much better: Helena Rojo, Cynthia Clitbo, Andres Garcia and Cesar Evora - they are classy names.
In this version we have Wiliam Levy and Maite Perroni who are terrible actors. The producers just took this couple because their previous telenovela was a huge success, but the just don't fit in here. The same is with Daniela Romo as the evil prist's mother, she's a freaking caricature with that smooth botox face. And for Christ sake don't cast Victoria Rufo as young and older heroine. She looked radiculous and was totally unconvincing as poor maid. Just get a young actress for the role.
Overall, huge disappointment and I guess it's not successful telenovela either.


Oh! Sorry I already bought my copy of the dvd of this series, is it really that bad?
