MovieChat Forums > Too Big to Fail (2011) Discussion > How do I best prepare for an Economic Co...

How do I best prepare for an Economic Collapse?

The film itself said they only postponed the crisis. Market failures are intrinsically apart of capitalism, and I'm utterly confident in how systemic the problem is. My problem, though, is I'm a college student. How do I start preparing for a global depression soon?
What are the fundamental necessities and skills I need to survive?
What kind've mentality must you have to persevere?


First thing, find a book called "The Coming Insurrection" by The Invisible Committee; you should be able to find this for free online or pick up a used copy for next to nothing. Read it! There are people out there who have been quietly preparing for the day the system collapses, these people are called Anarchists, and you do not want to align with people like these. These people are lying in wait for the right moment to come along and when it happens, they will strike into action. By reading this book you will get a better idea of what will happen if it collapses, and you will need to recognize your enemy.

As the old saying goes, "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime." Learn how to grow food; start with something small like a single tomato plant and work up from there. You can learn how to can foods by canning those tomatoes that you grow, canning is relatively inexpensive and properly canned food will last a long time, years. Stock up on a few books on food preservation and growing food and how to smoke meats and such.

Learn first aid, and assemble a first aid kit.

If you live in or around a big city you would not be able to stay there if the economy collapses, because as we learned from Katrina, the first thing people will do is loot every single store, from Best Buy to Foot Locker to the mom and pop convenience store, because we live in a society of (for the most part) spoiled brats who think they're entitled to everything and they should stick it to the man if they get the chance. The major cities will burn to the ground and become high crime zones with no law or order, especially after all the troublemakers and Anarchists break their buddies (and everybody else) out of jail. Figure out a safe place to go before things go bad, meet with friends or family members beforehand and set up a safe place to meet, the more deserted the better, with land where you can grow food. Stocking up on some non-hybrid seeds will help, and keep these items at your safe place along with many of the types of books I have described along with canned food and ammo, which brings up the next item - purchase a handgun and learn how to use it.

Prepare a 72-hour bag, in case of emergency. A 72-hour bag is a knapsack that contains three days worth of food and water, a change of clothes, first aid supplies, and various items that would be very handy in a crisis, such as a flashlight, candles, emergency blanket, some rope, a knife, a gun, maybe a roll of quarters in case you come across a vending machine, a pad and paper, and a couple disposable lighters for starting a fire, kleenex, duct tape etc. There is a website I recommend, that sells 72-hour bags, but also tells you the contents of the bags, which gives you a good idea of what should be in there. In a crisis, you may have to leave on foot and carry the pack on your back if the roads are jammed and having that bag will make you more prepared than 90 percent of the other people.

If you can afford it, you might also want to consider investing in a water purification system such as Berkey, because when the system collapses America will become a third world country for a long time to come. This you would want to keep at your safe place.

If you can do the above things, you will not only survive you will thrive, and you will lead others.


I know I'm almost 2 years late, but...ANARCHISTS ARE NOT PEOPLE WHO BREAK CRIMINALS OUT OF JAIL AND THEY ARE NOT TROUBLEMAKERS. Anarchists are people who want to create a society that isn't ruled by a government so everyone can do whatever they damn well please. Anarchists are also people who recognize the fact that it's government that pushes people to crime out of desperation and institutions where people are given positions of power are inherently harmful and destructive.

Read a freaking book or double-check the definition of a particular word before you make yourself look like a fool by using it the wrong way.


A book called the "Art of Not being Governed" actually makes a great case for Humans being able to be anarchists

Que Sera Sera


hoard gold
