Estrogen bath.

I can't take this film. It was in the bargain bin at work for a couple of dollars, so I grabbed it thinking it would be another mediocre rom-com.

Nope. Female-film through and through.

Not a technically bad movie. Well shot. Well acted. Very high production values. The market research is right on target

But it is vapid as hell.

And THIS, makes it a bad movie. It's like a giant teenage girls perspective on adulthood with adult women acting like teenage girls with grown up lives.

A real distinct lack of values in this movie, and the music is cliche too.

No wonder movies keep getting worse and worse every year.


Your use of "female" as some sort of insult is more aggravating to me than the movie. Which is saying a lot, considering how awful it is.

Come with me if you don't want paint on your clothes.


Because there are no males to balance it out.

Okay, how about this, First and 10, an HBO series about males in America, playing a male sport, doing male things, acting like males, not being sensitive to others as males probably should, and, all in all, just another encoded mental health piece of drivel aimed at an all masculine audience.

There, does that make you feel like a big girl?

Face it, this movie wasn't about a woman achieving success, but about a woman juggling marriage, kids and a career, but with no real moral aim other than to care for her family who were seemingly flawless.

Now, if you can't accept that, then maybe you ought not to be watching movies in the first place.


This conversation will continue when you stop being a condescending douche.

Come with me if you don't want paint on your clothes.


All your saying is you can't respond. Okay.


Bye, Felicia.

Come with me if you don't want paint on your clothes.

