MovieChat Forums > Your Sister's Sister (2012) Discussion > So everyone is suppose to be just okay w...

So everyone is suppose to be just okay with what she did?spoilers

Sabotaging a condom so she can force someone to have a child they didn't want?She never heard of a sperm bank. She definitely needs to be punched.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


There was fall-out depicted and they began to come to terms with it. Don't sperm banks cost a good chunk of change?


If you can't afford a sperm bank, you can't afford a child. Especially on your own. With no apparent job. Or partner to raise the child with.


Exactly. I'm surprised there isn't more talk about how the whole sabotaged condom thing was glossed over and forgiven so easily, I hated the character after that little stunt. Sure she was intoxicated after just ending a 7 year relationship which would be hard going for anyone and cause them to not exactly be rational, but puncturing a condom, grabbing the first guy who comes along and getting (possibly) pregnant without any intention of telling him is unbelievably selfish, clearly this woman is unstable and not fit to be a parent. But hey apparently her sister and the father are cool with it and very excited at the idea of having a little family... wtf?!


This is very true. No one should be attempting to get pregnant when they can't afford it. If it happens, it happens, but don't plan it. We're led to believe that Hannah is poor. She hitchhiked to the cabin and, when Iris is offering to help her take care of her baby, she says "I have a spare room", suggesting that Hannah has no place to stay aside from her father's cabin.

I thought the whole film was great until the whole pregnancy story line came up. That was a pretty sh!tty thing to do and I found it very unrealistic that both Iris and Jack would forgive Hannah so quickly for her actions.


i agree with shananika that the movie was really enjoyable until the pregnancy storyline came up. it made me hate Hannah for her vile deception, and it made me question Iris for her decision to allow Hannah to move into her house & help raise the baby. think about the poor child if it IS born. Mark Duplass's character would be the father AND/OR uncle depending on how the three agree to raise the child!


The character is flawed but I didn't think she was a bad person at all. Her actions hardly mean she can't raise a child. She just really wanted one. What she did was misguided but she's only human. I think if I were him, after initially being angry, I'd get over it.



What she did was misguided but she's only human. I think if I were him, after initially being angry, I'd get over it.
I totally agree. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by continuing to hold a grudge about it. Assuming there is a kid, the adults need to act like adults and make peace for the welfare of the child.


This was the one drawback to the film. Hannah sleeps with the man her sister loves. She didn't know that Iris loved Jack, but still, why would you sleep with one of your sister's best friends? It's weird and it would make things awkward. This alone should be enough to make Iris angry with her sister for quite a while (at least a few months), but Iris forgives almost immediately. Within two days the two of them are giggling together like nothing ever happened. Hannah not only slept with Jack, but she poked holes in the condom in an attempt to get herself knocked up. Jack and Iris both forgive her for this withing a few days and both even agree to help her raise the baby! Most of this film felt very real, but this aspect was totally ridiculous. This is an outlandish action that should've had some consequences. No one in real life would have forgiven her so quickly.


Wow, I'm glad so many of you seem to be such amazing, perfect people who have never made a mistake in your life. She was drunk, she was feeling down, she made a bad decision. She was sorry afterwards, and for her sister to have stayed angry for months, would have accomplished what exactly? Once something is done, it's done, and holding grudges and being angry wouldn't have changed anything. People make mistakes, and are not perfect. Iris really loved her sister, so she tried to understand and forgive, and he really loved Iris, so he made peace with her sister.


This so called mistake could bring a child into the world.A mistake is typing the wrong key on the keyboard. This idiot forced him to spawn some kid when she couldn't even take care of herself or had any income. So would she get child support among other things from him?There are sperm banks. There is a line you don't cross and sorry doesn't always cut it. A bad decision that changes someone's life forever shouldn't be forgiven.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


To me, forgiving somebody doesn't mean that you are endorsing what they did or saying what they did was OK. You don't have to say, "gee, poking holes in that condom and tricking somebody was a totally awesome idea,". You can still think what they did was a terrible thing and a huge mistake, but if you really want to forgive someone you can agree to move on and make peace and deal with the future. If you want to have a relationship with someone, sometimes that is the mature thing to do. You can't just keep harping on the big mistake someone made and bring it up over and over and keep throwing it in their face for years and still have any kind of relationship. If you in your own life want to be a bitter and self-righteous person and end relationships rather than forgive, go ahead, but that doesn't make these movie characters wrong for choosing not to do that.


There's a difference in being perfect and poking holes in condoms to get knocked up by a guy without any plans of ever telling him. People act like being human is somehow an excuse to do terrible, and unfair things. Just because we all do terrible and unfair things doesn't mean that it's okay. And there's a reason we cut people out of our lives and leave them in the past. Because we are all flawed, yes, but some people are poison. What she did was creepy. It's like if he roofied her just to get her pregnant. Just because you want a child doesn't mean you can do whatever you want to people without their permission.

And at once I knew I was not magnificent.


Good god. This site is full of idiotic weirdos I swear... Get a life dude.


What she did was wrong. But it doesn't make her a bad person. We all connive at some point or another.



I thought it was rather disturbing and totally turned a cool character into someone that I was kind of uncomfortable with. It was a good movie then got weird towards the end. There were some nice moments at the end, but what she did is kind of really wrong and unfair. Kudos to them for being able to look past, but it's kind of sick what she did.

And at once I knew I was not magnificent.
