MovieChat Forums > Sabotage (2014) Discussion > yes, it's gore, as it should

yes, it's gore, as it should

I see a lot of complaints about how the movie is unnecessarily gory and brutal. If you're watching a movie about the cartel and Schwarzenegger's revenge, don't be surprised you'll see some disturbing images. When you read about what the cartels do in real life, the things depicted in Sabotage shouldn't really be a surprise. The torture of Schwarzenegger's wife, the guy nailed to the ceiling - things like that happen every day. When you mess with a cartel, don't expect to have flowers sent to you.
What I'm saying is that if I'm watching a movie where the cartel is the main theme, I expect to see, at some point, a decapitation or torture. Not torture porn like Hostel but something to make me believe that, yes, they are quite dangerous.
As an example, there is Savages - mediocre movie, yes, but the intro scene in which we see the archive footage of guys being decapitated with a chainsaw immediately gives the movie more realism in the sense of villain depiction.
Pirates where not funny drunks but vicious murderers and rapists. I'm not saying that Pirates of the Caribbean was a bad movie, it had it's merits, but watching a brutal, David Ayer style, pirate flick, I would certainly expect to see lots of blood and guts.

And again, I hate movies like Hostel or Saw (expect the first one) - they are sick. But realistically depicting brutal gangs, individuals, monsters, or whatever, sure doesn't make me angry.

As for the movie itself, it wasn't exceptional.


The point was not show gore to depict the violence executed by the cartel. It was just there because they thought it would make a movie with a stupid plot and weak characters more appealing to a wider audience.
No reason to show the corpse like this after the train wreck. And why the hell would she put her husband in the fridge? Moreover, the kills where done by the chick and the token black team member. Why overkill the guy they nailed to the sealing, while only shooting the guy in the cabin?


Already explained in the movie, the cartel did simillar humiliation type kills in the past, it was obviously done to shift the blame on to them. The body of the assassin was left there for the same purpose.


you didn't answer to one single point I made

...but they hung him anyway.
Hanged, Ami. Your father was not a tapestry.
