Dumb question

Why did they want their team killed? I know Lizzy was explaining everything but it slipped by me trying to understand her dying voice. Did she say they were killing everybody because she thought they stole the money and were keeping it from her and sugar? I'm only trying to clarify because that's a ridiculous reason to kill all of those people, one of whom is your own husband?

Bonus question: In the Alternate version of the movie we find out Arnie killed everyone. WHY? What was the point of killing his team? What did he want the money for? Was his end game still to go to Mexico and kill the guy who killed his family?


Why did they want their team killed? I know Lizzy was explaining everything but it slipped by me trying to understand her dying voice. Did she say they were killing everybody because she thought they stole the money and were keeping it from her and sugar?

Exactly this reason...which is why Arnie confesses that he took the money.

I'm only trying to clarify because that's a ridiculous reason to kill all of those people, one of whom is your own husband?

Did you miss the plot point of her CHEATING on her husband?

Plus how is believing someone stole YOUR money...millions if dollars a "ridiculous" reason?

Bonus question: In the Alternate version of the movie we find out Arnie killed everyone. WHY? What was the point of killing his team? What did he want the money for? Was his end game still to go to Mexico and kill the guy who killed his family?

I've not seen the alternate endings.
But why would Arnie not kill people to try to get the money back, or even remove any possible witnesses to the theft?
Makes perfect sense to me, no matter what Arnie wanted the money for.

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9


Ok, she was cheating, that doesn't have anything to do with anything. Why would Sugar and Liz think everybody but them had money? There was nothing to indicate that anybody had any money. Did she really believe that her husband, the man she spends every single day with, lives with, is keeping secret that he has millions of dollars? Come on. So you're right, it's not ridiculous to kill those people over that much money BUT! there was absolutely no reason to believe they had anything to begin with.

As far as the alternate version goes, there is no reason to remove possible witnesses when nobody, not even the DEA had any idea who took it and gave him the all clear after an investigation.



Well somebody had it so she started killing them one by one until she found it. Turns out Arnie had it. Obviously whoever took it wasn't going to go out and buy anything to advertise in any way that they had it, that wouldn't be smart. Killing her husband seemed to be accidental as she could have reasonably assumed he didn't have it.

I haven't seen the alternate version, does it specifically identify Arnie as the one killing the team? Couldn't it have actually been the cartel squad?


In order to find the money, she would have had to threaten or torture the team members to get them to give it up. However, when Pyro was locked in the motor home on the railroad tracks, they were not there to question him. So finding the money was not the motive, but revenge would be in her sick and drug twisted mind.

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam


*** Spoilers below ***

Obviously someone took the money from the sewer. Lizzy figured it must have been one of their team, because who else would have known they hid money there?

And it's a important to realize that Lizzy is a drug addict who apparently gets worse with that as the events of the film unfold. It's not as if she's an ideally clear-headed, rational character. And even from the start, they establish that she has an attitude, that she's eager for violence, and that she's highly skilled combat-wise.



Lizzy was just very unstable partially due to a heavy drug use, Arnie commented on it in the movie one time when he saw her eyes were red or something.

And of course when they found the stash of liquid methadone she acted like she hit the jackpot and sampled that like it was wine, definitly not the first time she did meth.

I think that the drugs made her paranoid (as many drugs do) and she suspected that the people she killed did take the money and it was just the last straw cause she wasn't really highly respected in the team. She was basicly looked as a slut in the crew, good for basicly nothing but to seduce druglords. So I think all that in total made her flip.

And the killing of her husband was accidental.

Why Sugar would go along with everything I don't know but then his whole character is a big questionmark, maybe he was a druggie as well or maybe he'd do anything for some white poon.

This movie was originally meant to be a long mystery thriller the original cut was 3 hours but the filmcompany wanted to release it as a actionmovie so they cut out alot of stuff that would probably made the above alot clearer.

I am who you once thought of becoming but realised it wasn't all that it was cranked up to be
