MovieChat Forums > Sabotage (2014) Discussion > If Your Christian, Don't Go See This!

If Your Christian, Don't Go See This!

This movie is a mindless bloodfest telling us that murder and revenge are okay and cool. Schwarzenegger is a terrible role model here. This movie was completely lacking in any kind of morale and no character was worth a thing in this movie, except for maybe the D.E.A. lady.


The Bible is filled with blood and violence.


The Bible is God's righteous word made so that we may come to know, understand, and glorify God. It is here to tell God's truth which also includes his righteous acts of judgment against man (flooding the entire earth, the parting and collapsing of the seas on the Egyptians, etc.,) and man's sinful acts of violence and killing. "Sabotage" is simply a sinful worthless movie. Those are some of the differences between it and The Bible. Bottom line, I shouldn't have gone to this movie.



Bottom line,i shouldn't have gone to see this movie.
So you didn't know it was full of violence,bad language
and nudity?

Your jugement is really in question here....


bible says a lot of things.... a LOT of things, to the point where the compilers of 'god's immutable word' have allowed at least 140+ DIRECT contradictions of statement into the scripture.

i'll provide a link if you'd like.

moreover, you can justify it any way you want to [and christians love to do that], but there's PLENTY of murder in the bible, and incest, and debauchery. and in real life in GOD'S NAME mind you, there's LOVELY things like the inquisition, the crusades, the witch tortures, the sometimes brutal scientific repression, and those are just the tip of a large iceberg.

and the bonus is christians find NO ISSUE with letting children read -that- book, but they complain about something like 'harry potter'. too funny!


So what about when Moses massacred all of the Midianites? Killed men, women, children... all except the virgin girls...


It's just a movie bro relax. Lol we go into the theater for a couple if hours to watch stuff we won't ever do and that's about it.



God made Arnold just so he could make movies like this one. It was all in his divine plan....


Good one. Jesus would have loved this movie. Seems like he would be a cool guy to hang out with. Much cooler than his followers


you are trying to humanize God by calling him that. in other words you are lowering him to the same standards as someone such as Adolf Hitler. listen, everything God does is his perfect will whether humanity suffers by it or not. God is sinless, we are not. And I urge you not to insult God, who is also the Holy Spirit. You can jeopardize any chance of salvation (even if you don't believe in that) you may have. "But whoever blasphemes against The Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin." Mark 3:29 You need to repent if it's not too late.


God is just a fiction of your imagination. You only believe in god because you were born into a Christian family. That is the only reason you are a Christian. If you were born in Saudi Arabia for example, then you would've been a Muslim because that's what would your parents teach you. You are your parents religion, so you're just brainwashed into believing in that imaginary god, the same way terrorists are brainwashed that they will go to heaven when they blow themselves up.

Someone once said it best:
"The reason adults believe in a god is the same reason children believe in Santa. They've been told to believe, and they are surrounded by other believers."

So do us all a favor and preach somewhere else. It's just a movie. I just saw it and I enjoyed it even though it was a little violent.



The latter.


You are hopelessly lost. Move along folks. There are others to be saved - this one's already gone.



Kind of like Bullet to the head with Sylvester?


Rated R for strong bloody violence, pervasive language, some sexuality/nudity and drug use
Did that not give you some kind of clue of what kind of movie this is?
It's a violent popcorn movie.


I my self am a good Christian however there is no reason to avoid a movie or condemn it as being unchristian just because you don't like it.


I'm Catholic and I WILL see it soon as it comes out in its opening day. Arnold was brought up a Catholic and I'm sure he still is one but this is only a film in which he is playing a character. We see violence in lots of films so don't worry about it.


Like I say in second thread that the op made
God doesn't care if we watch actions movies and horror movies if he did we wouldn't have the entertainment industry today duh

Now is the end of days and I am the Reaper:Silent hill


why is it these so-called christians don't seem to recall "god is in charge of everything."?

either he is in charge of everything and "knew of this before we were born" or he didn't/couldn't....... in which case he's not 'all knowing' ..... and if it was made and displeased him, he could've stopped it at anytime, yet here it is. you can't have it both ways, folks.

and how come they never ask the obvious question: "why did the 'age of miracles' suddenly STOP at 'the age of miracles'? why hasn't god come to these film makers, or architects or engineers or doctors or whoever and have them build an ark, or develop an operation or SOMEthing to show that he's still up there?

nope, all the signs we have he exists are thousands of years old.

interesting isn't it?

or maybe the whole thing is just a bunch of hooey....? what's more likely.....?
