Awesome movie

Lots of shoot'em up and blood and guts! I liked it. It's just a movie, not everything has to make since or be realistic. That's why I watch movies, to take a break from reality. It's on Netflix, well worth watching!


Oops, meant to write sense, not since!!!!


The story itself was decent, would have been better if Schwarzenegger was the one killing them all. What made the movie the absolute *beep* hole it was; is the terrible cameraman/film editing... you "hear" people talk, extremely quiet, right?... guns start shooting and I SWEAR it's as loud as a real gun beside you, shooting.

It felt like the cameraman was on a rubber boat, on the water... filming with his cell phone.

This is the first movie I had to take a fuggin Tylenol 45 minutes in, because I had a massive headache. Yes, I ended up watching till the end, and surprisingly I actually thought the last 5-10 minutes felt like a real film; and felt like a Schwarzenegger movie.


very good action film. I agreed. Liked it too.

   


its a great movie



Yeah, I don't get all the hate either. It's a pretty solid action movie. Coherent plot. Sustained mystery. Lots of bullets and gore.

No, it won't go down in history as one of the best but I don't see what the problem is. (Except Olivia Williams and Sam Worthington's sketchy accents.)

I don't trust people who don't like pets and I don't trust people who pets don't like.
