F-bomb: The Movie

I have no problem with swearing, but jesus vishnu christ, *beep* was probably said more times in the script than the word "the". I mean, every other word, no matter the situation or context, is the f-bomb.

La religion est fausse, mais vous êtes réel. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bpq26sPbC_4


Terminator Genisys could've done with a few of Sabotages F bombs


Oh Fudge.


It does get ridiculous after a while.


It's funny cause Arnold's older classic movies didn't have many f bombs. Now Die Hard on the other hand....

Green Goblin is great! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1L4ZuaVvaw


These types of working people in this kind of job swear a lot. It's very believable


well said. anyone would be saying F-bombs dealing with drug trafficking organizations kidnapping and cutting up people and getting into plenty of firefights. plus the DEA agents in the film themselves are degenerates and it would be out of character to not have so many F-bombs.
