MovieChat Forums > Sabotage (2014) Discussion > Is it really that gory?

Is it really that gory?

I read a couple of reviews stating that it's gorier than slasher films and even Dario Argento would tell the director to dial it down! I don't wanna watch the movie and find out the critics are being a bunch of moaning myrtles. So many times I have seen action flicks which are brutal but nowhere near the kind of insane descriptions given by these myrtles.

To be fair, I like gory/violent action films like Rambo 4, Terminator 2, Expendables 2. So the gorier the merrier for me!


It's pretty gory, dude. Definitely the most gritty Arnold film I've seen


A lot of the scenes were far too brutal. Some that come to mind are when a body is stuffed in a fridge, when a body is hung from a ceiling with intestines falling out of it, and when an innocent biker is slammed by a car and is splattered on the windshield. Very tasteless violence if you ask me, much gorier than Expendables and Rambo.


I didn't think it was too "brutal" or "tasteless" at all, I like the fact that there are some directors who are not afraid to show how ugly violence can be.


Horror movies are one of my favorite genres, so I have the stomach for this. But it was still odd to see the highly detailed mangled bodies and buckets of blood . It almost became a Friday The 13th movie. Usually in this genre the guys get shot and thats that. These guys had to show guts hangin' out, lol.

Most annoying moviegoer personalities-The Loud Laugher (LOLer), Foot Rester, Cellphone Light Guy


I'm an LOLer sometimes, but only when a movie is *really* funny. SEE: "The Grand Budapest Hotel". However, I keep my feet on the floor and my cellphone off. 'Nuff said.

As for blood and gore, well...the previous posts just described all the worst bits. Except for that poor biker, who doesn't just get hit by a speeding car, but gets her body totally destroyed when that same car slams into a parked truck, with her still on the hood! :(


It is! This is a Hard R for sure! One of the most violent mainstream movies I've seen in sometime.

I count six shots.
I count two guns!


Sounds fantastic! I'm so gonna catch this one. Exactly the movie which moral guardians will whine about and in 10 years, it will be regarded as a badass movie.


There's a lot of CGI blood splatter and it looks really fake and stupid IMO


The major difference between this one and the other movies you mentioned is that this one is actually pretty disturbing. Expendables 2 is gory for sure, but it doesn't disturb you because that movie is supposed to be fun. Rambo 4 is gory but it didn't have the same tone as this one. This one was almost a throwback to the old exploitation genre of the 70's and 80's. Arnold watches videos of his wife being tortured and murdered. There's a scene where the police watch a beheading being performed by the cartel assassins, where they are laughing and having fun as the victim is slowly getting his neck hacked into. These scenes are hard to watch.


The films you list had blood. Guy gets shot, blood squirts out. People bleed from their wounds. Gunfights end with buckets of blood everywhere. Standard graphic violence.

The gore in Sabotage goes way beyond that. There are torture scenes and other gruesome imagery. It's not just blood and bullet wounds, but actual body parts and organs shown. One scene has a body torn to bits and a homicide detective walking around putting a little flag next to a thumb here and a pile of organs there. Another scene depicts a man nailed to a ceiling with his abdomen sliced open and his intestines hanging out.

I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.


It's not that it's off-the-charts gory (although, yes, there are some gory scenes), but that a lot of the death scenes are shot in a very visceral, realistic manner. For instance, headshots are a dime a dozen in TV and movies these days. This movie has two headshots that have hardly any blood, but they're very disturbing because they're filmed as close-ups and have a very gritty, matter of fact nature to them.

So, assuming you've seen a few slashers before, you won't see anything so visually disgusting it will scar you for life, but there are a couple of scenes that seem a bit too close to reality.


The killing videos were probably the most disturbing parts of the film for me. They were done to look like actual snuff videos.


The beheading scene in particular was a little too realistic. I saw one of the Iraq beheading videos once and it scarred me for life. I wish I never watched it. This scene brought back that memory, and it looked very realistic.


Exactly! I have seen some *beep* on live leak and the wife's execution looked like a real gunshot! The pop of the gun, her head's reaction and the way the blood pooled out from the wound was perfectly done and was freaking believable.

You have offended my family, and you have offended the Shaolin Temple-- Bruce Lee


It was normal action with good realistic effects


The goriest scene is where there is a forensic analysis of an area where a guy is turned into mincemeat after a train hits a trailer he was in that was parked across the tracks. There are some gory close ups of his body parts / internal organs that they don't normally show in films like this.
