Kinda liked it.

Olivia Williams, Harold Perrineau and Arnold Schwarzenegger make this film go. Williams and Perrineau in my humble know nothing opinion deliver great performances in this movie. They alone are worth watching. Arnold, well he's always cool. Otherwise I can take or leave this movie. The action was pretty cool, the shoothouse scene and the scenes where the team is kicking in doors and clearing rooms are my favorite. They remind me of my Army days and also do a pretty good (though not perfect) job of showing the audience exactly how a high stakes room/house/building clearing process is done.

Honestly, I heard this film was a gore fest and I happened to be in the mood for gore. I liked the dark tone of the film, though I felt the plot with the money and the twists and turns were a bit over the top. The characters that made up Arnold's team were awesome too. They are a bit ridiculous on the crazy scale but nonetheless are a realistic description of the type of folks that work as Special Operators. You gotta be a little crazy. Anybody can enlist and kick doors for a few years, they'll get worn out and beg for a normal life (like myself). The guys who make a career out of being a LEGIT Operator, are little off their rockers sometimes. But it's what they do and they do it well.

The movie also did a good job in showing the whole "Alpha Male" Bro stereotype right down to the lifted pickup truck BACKED into the driveway in one of the scenes. The only thing missing was a Dirt Bike or a four wheeler strapped in the trucks bed. lol

To me this is like a C+ movie. Should have been better but it wasn't a waste of my time.

"Let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy!"


I loved it! And if the director had gotten his way, it would have been even better. Appearently the studio made cuts to it that completely changed the movie.
