MovieChat Forums > Sabotage (2014) Discussion > So who killed tripod?

So who killed tripod?

The scene was confusing, with Arnold walking up to the house & white truck, then they show Tripod standing next to it. Flashback or what? Was he the only member killed by the cartel? Lizzy killed them & threw them into the lake?


Present scene was intercut with the flashback of Tripod getting killed. Since it actually showed him get killed by the cartel assassins and the fact that the body of one of them was found there says to me that he actually died that way.

Read about the alternate ending in the trivia section and things will make more sense. The original ending was very different. Movie would've made more sense if it had been used.

Thit and thpin!


The original cut was meant to be about 3 hours long apparently and the studio made David Ayer cut it down. Still you would think someone would actually watch the film through and go 'hey this doesn't actually make sense' with Tripod being killed by the Cartel now/ I would have like to have seen the original cut but I still can't see it saving the movie. It looked like it was shot on the cheapest cameras possible, the script was terrible and the casting was some of the worst ever.


Yeah, that scene was confusing. My take on it was that Sugar and Lizzy hired those Guatemala mercenaries to kill Tripod, which was actually the first murder, but because Tripod went "off the grid," his body is discovered later. After Tripods killing, Sugar and Lizzy kill the Guatemala Mercs and use their hair and thumbprint to make it look like the cartel is killing the team.


This totally makes sense. Also I guess if Tripod's was the 1st murder, that could also explain why the blood splatters behind him were almost black due to length of time elapsed from death to when Breacher and Brentwood find him.


After Tripods killing, Sugar and Lizzy kill the Guatemala Mercs and use their hair and thumbprint to make it look like the cartel is killing the team.

My only confusion in this movie was "who actually killed the Mercs?" Your point above ties it all together for me. I hadn't quite put it in perspective that Tripod's murder was actually the first, even though it's the third that we see.


Ha, yeah the only reason I wasn't confused is because I had just watched David Ayer's other film Street Kings, where *SPOILER* the real villains assassinate someone and also plant DNA evidence from two fall guys that they bury in a hole (as opposed to dump in the bottom of a lake).


Yeah it made sense after the fact, but completely confusing when watching for the first time. The editor could have used some color correction to help signify the flashback, or even some different camera work to make a delineation between the two time lines.
