MovieChat Forums > Sabotage (2014) Discussion > Most unlikable main characters I've ever...

Most unlikable main characters I've ever seen

Especially that one girl that tried way way way too hard to be "one of the boys" and ended up just being gross to look at.


Yah their all came off as a bunch of lunkheads with zero charm, but the female cop and her gay black partner weren't much better with their edgy schoolyard banter.


Their attitude towards that fbi official and others was shockingly unbelievable. Not proffesional at all


Lol you think law enforcement officials in America are that professional compared to this lot? Have you paid attention to the news lately?


I agree. Schoolyard banter is right. All the main characters except Arnold acted like a bunch of sex mongering idiots just like all the kids in my highschool acted. Most people stop acting that way after highschool and mature but these people never grew up! Reminded me too much of highschool too.

Green Goblin is great!


The first thought that came to mind seeing this group was, " DEA Summer Camp ". They did act like adolescent summer campers.


They were unlikeable--extremely so--but I think that was the point. This wasn't a movie with a protagonist in the traditional sense. It's off-putting at first, but once the plot kicks in I understood why.

But I did love Olivia Williams' character (and performance) and I think she really galvanizes the film when she appears.

A journey into the realm of the obscure:


In fact, they were so annoying I enjoying watching them getting whacked; I think that was the whole point.


I didn't think they were THAT unlikeable - minus the ones who were meant to be... It was just a 'band of brothers' culture; they had to be tough as part of the job.

... and so what if a woman is 'gross to look at'? They aren't always there just to be decoration for people to letch over...

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


Oh my god. SHE has to be one of the worst characters I have ever seen in a movie! Brought cringe to a whole new level.


This is what drives me nuts about female characters in films. They always just go overboard with it. A female character can still be a compelling female character without shamelessly masculinizing her. I'm a dude and not a feminist or anything like that, but, Christ, why can't a female character just be a female character? Hollywood feels like the need to overcompensate with female characters, and this is the kind of sh!t we get. It's just boring.

"This life's hard, man, but it's harder if you're stupid!"


I call it the "Die *beep* Syndrome" after a movie I watched where the female bad guy was screaming this as she mowed people down with a machine gun. I thot the whole scene was ridiculous.
