MovieChat Forums > Sabotage (2014) Discussion > Kinda liked it but have a couple of ques...

Kinda liked it but have a couple of questions.

First off how the hell did the FBI know about the missing 10 million when the money was blown up. I mean that's the reason Breacher destroyed it right so they wouldn't be able to tell, did they get a forensic team to go through every burnt note?

Only other question is the Guatamalean SF guys, did Lizzy and Sugar hire them to take out Tripod then kill them?
Pretty sure Monster was talking about Tripod being an ex Navy Seal, maybe they didn't fancy going in there themselves with his booby traps to take him out so hired professionals instead.


Yeah, those seem to be two big issues with this film. The knowledge of the any missing money, let alone the exact amount I think qualifies as a plot hole. How could the Feds know? How could the cartel know? A big pile of money just exploded and burned, so unless a team member leaked it, nobody should know. Arnie/Breacher might have leaked the info to create an outside threat, deflecting suspicion from himself and giving his team a reason to trust him by rallying together... maybe.

Besides, I don't see how Arnie had the time to go into the sewer pipe and move that money anyway. Wouldn't someone from such a tight unit say "Hey boss, why did you disappear for a few minutes and come back soaking wet and stinking of putrid water?"

And whatever came of that one live round that was left there as a calling card of the thief? I kept waiting for that to lead us somewhere, but it was forgotten about.

The Guatemalan team involved in the shootout in the woods may have simply been filmed as a diversion for the audience. It's a slightly dirty trick by the filmmakers, but it's more forgivable than the money issue. I believe they were ruled out as the shooters by the M.E. who stated their time of death at a week ago or more, so that pretty much seals that deal.

wait for iiiit


Yeah, those seem to be two big issues with this film.
The Guatemalan team involved in the shootout in the woods may have simply been filmed as a diversion for the audience. It's a slightly dirty trick by the filmmakers ...
Rather stupid. We later find out they couldn't have done it, because they were already dead, before Tripod. It was really misleading leaving the scene in there, as I think it was designed to illustrate how Breacher and Brentwood thought it must have gone down. 🐭


It was stated in the film that the FBI was running a parallel investigation and knew how much money was on the house.


Yeah, I heard that line too but it doesn't explain HOW they knew money was stolen and how much since all the money was blown up and incinerated as far as they knew.

This script error jumped out at both my wife and I.


Yeah, this got me as well. It's such an obvious and horrid plot hole. The money burnt, no evidence. It looked like there was billion friggin dollars in there. There's no way to tell that a lousy 10 mil vanished.


After watching the money blown scene a few times here is some of details I noticed. The money was in stacks of 100K or 500K. When it was blown up only a little fraction was on fire and the rest was simply scattered all around. Any money that burns (10 million) you will have the ash scattered all around and you can account for the burnt money to some degree.

They probably only saw 50-100K burnt if so and they counted the $200 Mil from the FBI info and noticed that they only account for 189.5Mil or so. Burning $10M will leave some serious evidence behind.

As far as the Guatemalans they probably were sent to kill the crew because the word got out and no one got convicted for stealing the money. They managed to kill Tripod as was shown and one of them died at the scene and then they went after Lizzy/Sugar and they managed to overpower them and thought one of their own hired the Guatemalans to kill them so they went to a rampage .


Maybe when they were yelling about how much money they were stealing their mics were on. :0
