What did you rate it?

I gave it a 7 but really wish I could have given it an 8. If IMDB allowed it, I'd have given it a 7.5. It was a good movie, with the potential to be so much better. What did you rate it?


I give it a 6. It was okay, but at times it felt like the writers simply went through the Four Seasons Wikipedia article and crammed all the bullet points into a script. It often felt like an information dump and didn't feel organic or natural. I also didn't think much of the musical performances. John Lloyd Young was particularly disappointing. He's not a bad singer, but he definitely doesn't have the power and soul that Valli brought to these songs. And, honestly, without Valli's powerful and unique voice, the songs lose most of what makes them good.


I enjoyed the film very much and gave it a 9.


I gave it a one. The actors' singing and the entire re-recordings were horrendous -- a 4 Seasons soundtrack with the originals would have only improved it about a thousand percent. Imagine a Beatles biopic soundtrack redone by Milli Vanilli... Why on earth this didn't go straight to tv movie or video I'll never know.


3 and I was being generous


I gave it a 7/10 also, but I thought it was a very weak 7. This was a decent retelling of a story most of us a familiar with by now – whether it be the Four Seasons story or Mafia stories in general – but it seemed strangely disconnected from the music. It was too long, with too many speeches instead of authentic conversations. It did grow on me in the last half hour, though.
