MovieChat Forums > Jersey Boys (2014) Discussion > Clint Eastwood's Worst Movie

Clint Eastwood's Worst Movie

It was just plain awful. I couldn't believe they got that guy to be the lead singer. I don't know much about Frankie Valli but if he sounds like that, I'm surprised the women back then didn't think he was gay. What attracted me to the movie in the first place was that I usually enjoy biopics and the guy from Boardwalk Empire was in it. Unfortunately it seemed like he was still trying to channel Lucky Luciano. I was hoping to see more range from him than that. This movie didn't do anything for me, and that's suprising because I usually like Clint Eastwood films.


I don't know what you're talking about. Jersey Boys is a work of art. The portrayal of the times and the singing are spot-on, and the acting is good. It's another Clint Eastwood success.


Yeah, a real bad work of art. The singing is off-key and horrible, the script and acting are terrible, the direction is flat, and yes, it's very boring. This is a horrible movie.


I just took a quick peek at Eastwood's filmography as a director. Unquestionably this is his worst. I really like his work and I really love the four seasons music- this is junk. The arrangements and the mixes are way off- I'm guessing Clint wasn't a big fan- the music would have been done perfectly if the movie was about jazz. Also, I'm an italian american who complains often about people with thin skins being easily offended- I found this more offensive than "Find Me Guilty" with Vin Diesel. Marshall Brickman helped write this? Embarrassing and sad.


What's wrong with the "Find Me Guilty" movie with Vin Diesel? I haven't seen it but it's rated 7.1 on imdb.


Agree with cheeso65, I made it through about 30 minutes, the singing is horrible and the actors talking to the camera got old really fast.


it was actually a commercial failure


His biggest mistake was not using the original recordings. No one can sound like Frankie Valli and he shouldn't have tried. Broadway is different, they have to sing live but they don't have to in film.

You are literally too stupid to insult.


Agree 100%. The guy who played Frankie was a hit on stage but did not translate well onto film at all and his voice did not approach the sex appeal or magic of the real thing. The mannerisms they have Bob Crewe were ridiculous -- not only was he never like that but no one was openly gay in the early 1960s. And the real story of how they got their record deal is so much more interesting and dramatic than how the movie told it. Maybe Eastwood was trying to make the movie "camp" but whatever it was, it did not work for me and I was so disappointed, especially after the sensitivity of Eastwood's other movie about musicians, Round Midnight. He treated this as a farce. I think people who like it are responding more to the story of the 4 Seasons and to the great songs, and it's a shame that people who aren't familiar with their music have to hear this version of it instead.


I just saw "Jersey Boys" on HBO last night. It was better than I thought it would be. If you love Frankie and the Four Seasons it was fun to watch. Having said that, I have to say Martin Scorsese would have made this film infinitely better. Eastwood was way over-the-top with the Jersey "goomba" cliche. What does he know about Italian-American culture, anyway? His experiences doing Spaghetti Westerns? Sergio Leone he's not. Christopher Walken? Really? Jersey via Queens accent? Sacrilege! Paul Sorvino wasn't available? Actual Jersey boy, Philip Bosco? Scorsese should have told this story years ago...when Frankie Valli was young enough to play himself. When Frankie sings over the end credits...then you know nobody sings like Frankie Valli!



I think he said in an interview that he grew up in working class neighbourhoods, the same kind we see in the movie, and he knew some Italians well, had friends, etc. Personally I have no complaints.

__________________________ Last watched:


I didn't care too much for this film as well, and not because I am generally not a big four seasons fan (born in 1956), but I am glad I made it to the credits. There it showed that Franki's voice can probably never be duplicated.

The biggest thing missing in the actor's voice to me was the way Valli punctuated with the underlying and subtle growl that he used in his best singing moments.


nothing wrong with being gay, dumdum-but I agree with your non bigoted comments


You're a dolt


Agreed. The movie was somewhere between boring and terrible.


Jersey Boys is a romp, fun, and true to the era and spirit of late 1950s-1960s New Jersey.

It's filmed beautifully. Eastwood made some wise choices, such as ditching a Hollywood style script to return to the multi-voiced 'Rashomon' type narrative of the original 'book' for the musical play.

Another great Eastwood choice was to use the actors who'd performed the Broadway musical. Eastwood observed that actors who'd performed their roles over a 1,100 times would know their characters much better than any Hollywood talent who's have to go through a learning curve.

This movie will stand the test of time, of that I'm sure. I also think we'll see at least a couple of actors from the movie 'Jersey Boys' hit the big time. Especially Erich Bergman, who is hunkalicious. The camera adores the planes of his face. Remember the scene when 'Bob Gaudio' walks into a boudoir where the television is showing a snippet of Rawhide? Am I the only viewer who noted a resemblance between young Clint Eastwood (as Rowdy Yates) and actor Erich Bergman?
