what did Marzin say?

To Ray when he found him in the cage? Also what did he say to the DA after he called her a cocky bitch? Thx


I watched the German dubbed version, so I don't know for sure what he said in the original version. In the German version, however, he said: "Can you please ask her to talk to me?"

As for the "cocky bitch" scene, I assume you mean when Ray was interrogating him and Nicole Kidman's character walked in on them. Again, in the German version, after showing his dick and being made fun of by NK's character, he said: "You're gonna get it the same way she did!" And by "she" he obviously meant Julia Roberts' character's daughter.

EDIT: Someone apparently asked about what he was mumbling in another thread: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1741273/board/nest/250747759?d=253590632#253590632
"We're with you all the way, mostly"


Yes, he said, "Can you make her talk to me?" Interesting that her not speaking to him seemed to be the worst part of the punishment.


If she didn't talk to him then no-one did. 13 years of not having anyone speak to you is pretty extreme, quite understandable that that'd be his first thought (especially as he's unlikely to expect Ray to agree to make her let him go).
