Lisa Shay Anorexic?

I saw a thread calling her a babe now and I just don't want to encourage that kind of thing. She looks anorexic and sick. She needs to regain wait. Look how nice and healthy Jane always looks. I don't know why she would feel she has to loose weight to make people like her.

I know I always liked her. Now I can't focus on the show because I am worried about her every time she is on screen. She doesn't look well.

This is the same thing with Laurel on Arrow, wasting away.

Looking like Nichole Richie when she was having her worst day.

I hope someone has a talk with these women.


I have been thinking the same thing. She's lost an incredible amount of weight this season and it looks unhealthy. The look doesn't fit the character. Nor does it look good on the actress. It's frightening and distracting.


I don't think she looks unhealthy! Yet! May just be "puppy fat" that she lost!


Yeah, she looks unhealthy. Whenever a woman loses so much weight that she has no butt, it's unhealthy.

"All we ever see of stars are their old photographs." - Dr. Manhattan


Did you see her legs last episode. She looked like a stilt walker.


I was looking at her ass.


I noticed that too! At first I thought they hired a different actress.



I'm sorry I wasn't aware that I writing a dissertation.

I'm not going to edit it because then it would seem like I'm ashamed of making a mistake.

We are discussing a serious issue and your only contribution is that I used the wrong word, when I obviously used the correct one further down in the post.

You must be so witty and smart.



Well maybe you should go back to your original comment and realise that it isn't wait but weight! You just looked silly. Sorry



The people that look silly are the ones who can only insult or defend an argument by telling them their grammar or spelling is wrong. Sorry.

Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy, both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.


;) yea, I was like.. wow, snooty arrogance. It kinda fits the suburbanite model of people on the show!


I agree she's lost a lot of weight. I deff wouldn't call her "anorexic" though, just skinny. And if she feels better about herself this way, so be it. I mean I'm not as skinny, nor will I ever be but judging people on their size goes both ways. The way to go about having less girls/women having body issues is to stop commenting on the way other women look, whether they are big or small. Stop calling thin girls/women anorexic and stop calling bigger women fat. You ain't doing anybody any favors by calling a girl out as being sick when you have absolutely no proof that she is. There could be lots of reasons and ways she could have lost that weight and since we don't know them we probably should stop trying to put a label on it!


You can tell when someone is naturally thin and when they look sick. She looks sick.

There are people who are her size and look healthy but she doesn't. She looks like she is withering away. It even makes her look much older.

You're right I have no proof that she is sick but I would not be surprised if it is revealed that the actress developed some kind of eating disorder.

I am not judging her. Its a high stress job. Why is it anytime someone expresses concern its seen as judging. I think it will more detrimental to her if everyone pretends she looks normal.


---> Yes! Thank you, I came on the boards to see what people were saying about season 3 and everyone seems to be focused on Lisa Shay's weight loss... you make great points in your post.

I posted this elsewhere, but still:

I think I started noticing the weight loss at the end of season 2.... anyhow, I'd like to think that she has shed the weight through exercise and perhaps healthier eating...?
She looks toned enough... also, I remember seeing her on Weeds, so she is not NATURALLY thin, and probably has to make an effort to lose weight and stay thin.

People are so quick to jump on the "Look! She used to be chubby, now she's not, ANOREXIC!!!!" bandwagon, they forget there are natural ways to go about it (especially when your livelihood depends largely on your looks).

About the sallow cheeks and whatnot, gimme a break, of course when you lose weight you are bound to lose weight around your face, thus, you can see her cheekbones more clearly now... sallow? really? ----> I just checked one of the latest episodes and there were no sunken cheeks to be found, I'm just too lazy to post a screen capture.
The girl has great hair, teeth and skin, which would negate the eating disorder theory. I LOVE this girl's complexion, her skin looks healthy, it has a nice glow about it, am I the only one who sees that?

Lastly, I knew a girl who was more curvy, let's say, than the actress (much older though) and over the course of like 6 months she slimmed down like crazy (it was hard to recognize her, she looked so different), and you know how she did that? Cut down her eating portions by half, and later on she became a jogging aficionado to maintain it (no toning without exercise)...

So for those of you calling her an anorexic, don't be so quick to judge people who have lost weight.... it might take time and effort, but it does happen.

This wasn't just plain terrible, this was fancy terrible. This was terrible with raisins in it. - DP


She looks really bad, like Ellen Muth on "Dead like Me" looked at times or Tracey Gold toward the end of "Growing Pains" was. Does not look thin, she looks very unhealthy.



Your Tracey Gold comparison is exactly what came to mind for me, as well as the late Brittany Murphy. When weight falls well below the healthy mark, there is a certain look that is quite common among those women that have naturally round faces (youthful) or curvaceous body types (sexy).

To me, she looks somewhat sickly. A bit more weight would go a long way to her looking more attractive and healthy. In the past, when health care was more scarce in Western society, men looking for wives used to avoid young women with this look, because it usually meant that the woman was possibly infertile and/or had inferior health. Not considered "good stock" for breeding, energy, longevity, and even mental health.

I think that people are still programmed to automatically notice the subtle changes that reflect health, fertility, and general wellbeing.

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


I'm also not quick to judge, but I admit the thought crossed my mind. It always does when someone is noticeably thin on film, because the camera really does add weight, and I always wonder to myself what they must look like in real life.

I'll always remember an essay I read years ago by Elisa Donovan about her struggle with eating disorders. She played the mean redhead in Clueless, and was eating like 3 grapes a day, and all her friend's would tell her that she looked too thin and sick BUT she looked great on camera!

So it always crosses my mind when someone looks too thin on film.

And that's not to say I think Lisa Shay looks terrible now, because there are plenty of naturally rail thin women who are just as gorgeous as thick, or curvy women—but it's alarming because she isn't naturally rail thin, and she looked great before the extreme weight loss too...

I think it's something we should be conscious of, and it is important to talk about, without the judgment or accusations—all shapes are beautiful.

But dialogue is important.


I thinking the same thing! She is SHOCKINGLY thin now. It's distracting! Her thighs especially. Even when she was sitting with her legs crossed, they looked ridiculous skinny.

That's not just "losing puppy fat". There's losing a certain amount of weight through fitness and then there's being dangerously thin. If you're achieving weight loss through fitness, you look toned and healthy. She, on the other hand, looks gaunt. Not to mention that it's totally obvious that costuming is putting her in certain kinds of clothing to try and hide how skinny her frame actually is now.

If that's how tiny she looks on TV, I can't imagine what she looks like in real life.

Not saying she has anorexia, but she has definitely lost more than was necessary.



Anyone saying she looks great doesn't have a clue about anything you just wrote.

Her weight loss is not a result of exercising. That's obvious because her skin looks like it's hanging on to bones instead of muscle.

"All we ever see of stars are their old photographs." - Dr. Manhattan


Where did this thread go?



She does not look anorexic. She looks fine. Its almost like if you're not chunky, then you're 'sick' these days.


Like I said before its not that she is thin. Its that she looks unhealthy.

There are people who are naturally thin and look healthy. But she looks like she is starving herself and not not healthy.


I agree. I noticed the weight lose last week. He face looked unhealthy. And after seeing her whole body it looked disturbing. I even said something to my husband and daughter about her being anorexic. It reminded of the actress from Reba who did have an eating disorder.


I agree. She just looks like she's lost some baby fat and matured. And she is a really pretty girl.

I've always like the Lisa character. One of the funniest things is a camera pan across the Shay's mantel, where you see all their photos, and Lisa's is the photographer's proof.


What the *beep*.
I have been skinny my whole life and absolutely HATE when someone figured someone is anorexic just because someone has lost weight. Maybe she just wanted to be a little thinner she isn't even 21 yet she's adjusting into her adult body. It's legit "damned if you do, damned if you dont". IMO she looks good before and good now. Her weight loss was noticeable to me too but maybe she's proud of it and did it the healthy way. You don't know.
