Rated R!

"Pawn Shop Chronicles" just secured its R rating for violence, sexual material, graphic nudity, pervasive language and some drug use! Great news. Now we just need a trailer and release date.


I hate that. Movies can be good without sex and nudity ya know?? (Not you personally I'm just throwing that out there) I like this cast, and the plot sounds fun. It could be promising


Soooo, you have no problem with the violence, drug use and language? Please. People aren't asexual, deal with it.

There are no secrets in life, just hidden truths, that lie beneath the surface.


Language and drug use aren't so cool either. Violence I can deal with. But I want to be able to enjoy a movie that I can watch with my whole family that doesn't have sex in it. Excuse me for being moral


It's funny how watching people hurt or even kill each other isn't wrong to show your family and yet you still claim to be moral.


Then don't watch this movie with your family. There are plenty others out there that you can watch with them.

There are no secrets in life, just hidden truths, that lie beneath the surface.


Violence I can deal with. But I want to be able to enjoy a movie that I can watch with my whole family that doesn't have sex in it. Excuse me for being moral
VIOLENCE you can deal with, but sex is immoral ??!?!........Oh you poor hypocritical, illogical, sanctimonious piece of clichéd irony you



You say violence is okay but you're against sex and nudity. In your view it's okay to destroy the human body but not to see it.

You're not moral, you're sick.


You're just a crazy godwarrior. This is definitely not a family movie and shouldn't be either. There's a million others of those you can watch, you hypocritical, sanctimonious nut.
