MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman Discussion > Thoughts on the pilot

Thoughts on the pilot

I think a Wonder Woman show is a great idea, especially in this day and age of Republicans and Religions trying to control women more than ever before, or at least as much as ever before lol... girls need strong role models. and Miley Cyrus ain't it.

The pilot has won me over, she just asked her cat if he wants to go on facebook.

Public allegations against Cale without evidence would bring her huge lawsuits for defamation, etc... see,ed like a fairly unrealistic plot device that never would have happened in real life.

I kind of wish the show had been picked up... it's definitely a darker slant on Wonder Woman, more realistic, less objectified, which could be a good thing, but the pilot is from 2011 and wasn't picked up, not that I'm saying the pilot is good, but the premise has potential, and relevant potential.



You do realize that to Feminists that it isn't "ALL MEN ARE THE ENEMY".

Nope, it's simpler than that, "ALL WHITE MEN ARE THE ENEMY".
Who stands up for White Women these days? White Men.

Who doesn't stand up for White Women these days? Everyone else.
Feminism's days are numbered for a huge range of IRREVERSIBLE REASONS.
And their primary enemy is the only people who are genetically driven to protect their worthless butts.
