MovieChat Forums > Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes (2012) Discussion > OK, what just happened ?!? 'SPOILERS'

OK, what just happened ?!? 'SPOILERS'

can someone enlighten me please, just finished watching it, and apparently it wasn't Bigfoot, but some something else, what an alien ?


Yeah, they didn't really explain it. It was some sort of a creature from another dimension which Sasquatches were apparently supposed to protect us from.
I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.


Yea the ending was lame but the rest of the film was pretty fun



<<< Yeah, they didn't really explain it. It was some sort of a creature from another dimension which Sasquatches were apparently supposed to protect us from. >>>

By using that twist at the end, and making the demon/alien look nearly the same as a Bigfoot, (fur, size, shape), just made the ending confusing and stupid.


The ending is a real tease :) I would say the focus on the hooven feet suggested something more demonic.


Yeah I think it was suggesting that the "Big feet" are there as guardians against those demons at the end. But they seem to be doing a pretty *beep* job of it as they allow all of the people they are supposed to be protecting to die horribly!


"But they seem to be doing a pretty *beep* job of it ...."

My thoughts exactly. And those obnoxious Bigfoot-Fanboys are always screaming about how we shouldn't disturb, harm, or exploit them, but leave them in peace as a fellow species on Earth.

F#@k that! I personally KNEW these guys, one was my cousin. Bigfart suppose to be protecting them, but let them all get mutilated. Fine, wanna play that way, I'll shoot every dang one of you things I see. Betcha none of ya know how to use a 30-06 .... I do.

A few of your females wind up with a non-natural hole between their boobs, you'll start doing your job better I bet.


I think the filmmakers were suggesting that the creature was some kind of demon... When "it" walks into the camera's frame, you can see a cloven hoof.


The bigfoot where trying to protect them from a demon or the devil. Lucifer, according to the Bible, was the angel of light which would explain ummm the light around the end of the movie. It was clearly goats feet at the end which leads me to the demon / devil theory. What bothers me though is why would the devil be roaming around killing people in northern California's wilderness and not say in New York or any other highly populated area? Anyway I was still entertained although the acting especially from the female could have been much better. Also the scene where you caught a glimpse of the bigfeet (?) felt forced and obvious but overall it was not a time waster which is more than I can say for most of the found footage movies filling our DVD shelves lately.


The thing is Lucifer himself would not be here, God prevents that until Jesus comes back. Other demons on the other hand makes sense, especially the fact slightly before that Drybeck made a reference to demons specifically with "We are legion" when they were going to the cave.

John 3:16 : Eternal life through Christ only.


Thread just went full retard.
