Hated it

First of all I love found footage movies and i love low budget horror but this failed for me because they took a good idea and simply made it boring and frustrating.

On the positive side i found the acting to be very good with the exception of the lead who i just found irritating, in particular Drybeck was excellent.

However Ifound myself an hour into a film that was only an hour and a half long thinking "nothing has happened" the brief moments of action where not enough and kept way to much left to the imagination. I'm of the clive barker school of horror "how can something unseen be scarier than something seen"

I don't necessarily like everything tied up in a nice neat little bow at the end of a movie but I like enough information to not leave me confused.

in the end i found this to be one of the most poorly executed found footage movies i've seen and sadly it had one of the most original concepts.

"I have come here to Kick Ass and chew bubblegum and Im all outa Gum"
