Question *Massive Spoilers* ....

If they all die and that other creature (a demon, the devil or something similar IMO) picks up the camera, then who finds their footage??? Sequel?


> who finds their footage???

At some point someone comes looking for all the missing people. And it would be a tribute to the filmmaker and his friends to compile the movie from the found footage.

Further, we don't know that all of the people are dead. Three of them got dragged away and their fate is unknown.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


I heard on a blog that a sequel is in the works that centers from this footage and the game camera that was left at the tree


> I heard on a blog that a sequel is in the works

I'm not surprised. The budget appeared pretty small and the profit must have been relatively large. Plus, it's good film making experience for everybody.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
