MovieChat Forums > Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes (2012) Discussion > I'm Bigfoot and i find this offensive

I'm Bigfoot and i find this offensive

We Bigfoot's are peaceful creatures. Granted, we eat babies now and then but we're cool. Stop making us look like dumb killers by making us the villain in every movie! We have feelings too, you know!



I know for a fact you didn't see this movie just for this comment... In fact it was for people like yourself and staying true to the Bigfoot legend is why this movie took the direction story wise it did.. Watch the movie then post.. not the other way around.


Very funny post BTW


Did you see the movie?


Me Bigfoot doesn't see movies! Movies see Bigfoot!


I'm agreeing with Bigfoot on this one


*slow clap*

P.S. Thank you for clarifying "Bigfoots" vs. "Bigfeet."
