MovieChat Forums > Trolljegeren (2010) Discussion > most Muslims would say they believe in t...

most Muslims would say they believe in the same God as Christians

Although it is never revealed whether being a Muslim made a difference, the majority of Muslims would say they worship the same God (Allah) as Christians and vice versa. So IMO Muslims would also be at risk according to the definition that believing in God attracts the trolls. Most Muslims also believe in Jesus as a prophet as well. Though I know nothing more about the folklore than what was presented in the movie.


It's the smell that counts. I can't recall anything in the bible about that, do you know if there is anything about the smell of muslims vs christians in the koran?


I am not a Muslim so can't really say I know much about the Qur'an's content, but I don't think it mentiones the smell of anything. Its just in the movie they kind of flip flop between what exactly causes the smell the trolls pick up on. Often they just say do you believe in God? Though other times they ask are you a Christian? Well there kind of is a big difference in the two. What if your a Jew? Most people will say same God as Christianity and Islam, and in addition Jews follow the Old Testement of the Bible.

Maybe I missed a line or 2 of dialogue, and I don't know the folklore behind it, but it never really said for sure what the smell came from within your religious beliefs.


Its just in the movie they kind of flip flop between what exactly causes the smell the trolls pick up on. Often they just say do you believe in God? Though other times they ask are you a Christian? Well there kind of is a big difference in the two.

The movie does not really flip flop actually. You have to take into account this is a Norwegian movie. In Norway to believe in God equals being Christian.



Don't they worship the nine divines?


Ive seen wood carvings of the bad virgins in troll country, if that helps :P






The Trollhunter said he wasn't sure if she'd be safe or not, because of all this.


where she go after her brief scene? what was her purpose in the movie?


Well, they needed a new cameraperson, didn't they? And she didn't go anywhere; she was behind the camera.


She really served nothing to the movie at all really, she had little dialogue and was behind the camera for most of the scenes she was in except at the very end when the guy took the camera. I almost figured they were going somewhere with the Muslim angle, but they never did.


well I'm a Muslim(but not a believer),,the Muslim god is the same as Christians and Jews.and yes nothing about the that makes them in danger too :D unless the trolls are only looking for Christians :D


If you don't mind me asking what do you mean you are a Muslim, but not a believer? Do you live in a Middle Eastern country where Islam is required?


you should just visit England, specifically some areas of London, and you will find many Muslims who are just Muslim in name only drinking alcohol, eating pork etc etc Much like people in the West go onto auto-pilot and will say the are C Of E and do little or nothing to be a Christian. Many second generation immigrants keep their parents religion as a label but dont really believe it. Its not really a contradiction


Most Muslim countries don't require worship. It's not like they are all religious dictatorships. The majority of Muslims live in countries where they can pretty much choose not to believe or participate in religion if they choose.


How can you be a Muslim and not be a believer?

Is your own culture so weak you have to adopt 7th Century Arabian cultural imperialism identity as your own? What did your ancestors do before they were Muslims?


"You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts"


Muslim AND non-believer is an oxymoron!

As for the Muslim culture: well when the western world was in its Dark Ages, Arab-Muslims reached cultural peak making it a Golden Age in arts, sciences and all aspects of human life!

Pre-Islamic Arabs were pagan alcoholics that used bury their female newborns alive! Had it not been for Islam, Arabs would've remained the stone-hearted, ignorant barbarians they used to be prior to the rise of the Islamic religion...

go read some books, well aside from the ones you grab from your narrow-minded library...


As for the Muslim culture: well when the western world was in its Dark Ages, Arab-Muslims reached cultural peak making it a Golden Age in arts, sciences and all aspects of human life!

No one said they were not. But they also annexed a third of the Christian world (and still hold it as "muslim" lands), taking advantage of the fact that Europe was going through it's Dark Ages. Europe BEFORE it's Dark Ages was (at least with the Romans and Greeks) among the most advanced places on the planet. A lot of the what is now Arab world (it wasn't then, because they hadn't conquered it and totally assimilated/destroyed the cultures of the region) was also quite advanced back then too - Babylon, Eygpt, Kingdom of Israel, Hitties, Assyrians etc.

And the Arab Muslim Empire was built on the back of the scholarship of the pagan Greeks, Romans, Persians, Egyptians and Hindus (all of which they invaded to show how great they were - Rome was sacked 200 years before any 'crusade' was ever launched) - all of this is well documented by Muslim historians whose scholarship serves to show how just how Imperialistic and dominating Muslims were from day one and how they whine like babies when the tables are turned.

Oh, and what have the Arab-Muslims done in the last 250 years while those backwards Europeans have dominated the world with their more advanced science, art, medicines and culture? Moaned and whined and blamed everyone for their own infighting, intolerance, cultural stagnation and pitiful theocracy is what...

And meanwhile the Chinese were more advanced than all of us for 2500 years consistently until the 1750s (when Europe overshot them and they went into their own 'dark ages' hehe.

Pre-Islamic Arabs were pagan alcoholics that used bury their female newborns alive! Had it not been for Islam, Arabs would've remained the stone-hearted, ignorant barbarians they used to be prior to the rise of the Islamic religion...

You make pagan and alcoholic seem like a bad thing! Then again your beliefs tell you booze is bad, yet in heaven you will be drinking it from rivers - how odd!

As for infanticide, that's still common in some cultures today.

And we had the Romans, Greeks, Persians and Chinese. Without the Muslims Europe would simply have lost a few Greek scrolls and had no one to defend ourselves against from 700 until the 1750s...

go read some books, well aside from the ones you grab from your narrow-minded library...

I will - do you have any to recommend aside from Islamic propaganda? Even early Arab historians were not the bias historical revisionists that many Muslims are today. Maybe you should read them first then come back and tick all the events I mentioned.

Shall I elaborate on how a THIRD of the Christian world was annexed and occupied by Muslim armies three centuries before the first crusade. Shall I tell you about how Muslims have taken literally millions of slaves from Europe for nearly a millenia?

Or will you keep your head in the proverbial sand like most of your kin do - denying the evils of your own history whilst highlighting the evils of my people's history to make us look like we started this or are worse?


"You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts"


Your whole post is a load of rubbish.

You say
"Shall I elaborate on how a THIRD of the Christian world was annexed and occupied by Muslim armies three centuries before the first crusade. Shall I tell you about how Muslims have taken literally millions of slaves from Europe for nearly a millenia?

Or will you keep your head in the proverbial sand like most of your kin do - denying the evils of your own history whilst highlighting the evils of my people's history to make us look like we started this or are worse?"

Well sorry to make you wake up from your delusions, but the arabs took back what was their land to begin with, that was initially conquered by pagan Romans, who then turned Christian and then forced those pagan people to convert also. Islam and Muslims did not take anything that did not belong to the domestic population to begin with, and just gave it back to them.

So yes, you Europeans did start it by invading them first, what right does a blue eyed blond haired European have in invading and conquering African or Asian or middle eastern land full of black eyed black haired brown skin and black skinned men and woman?

They were there before Islam and before Christianity and before Rome and before the Greeks.

These Muslims who live in these lands did not all of a sudden pop out of the sky and fill up the entire land, they were the domestic population of those places who converted to Islam, and no it was not done by force like your Christian conversions.

The middle east is Arab land, Arabs are largely Muslims, so it is Muslim land. Egypt is Egyptian land, Egyptians are Muslims therefore it is Muslim land. Turkey is Turkish land, turkey is full of Muslims, therefore turkey is Muslim land. Noe of it belongs to you imperial westerners, or Christians. it was theirs before Islam came on the scene and it theirs even now with Islam on the scene and them having converted to Islam, out of freewill for the vast vast majority part.

the rest of your post is just as full of rubbish, and if reading it wasn't so obvious that you are a closed minded tribal jingoistic xenophobic Islam hating fanatic, i would go into a discourse with you to enlighten you on your diatribe.

but since it would just go in one ear and out the other i won't bother.


The middle east is Arab land, Arabs are largely Muslims, so it is Muslim land. Egypt is Egyptian land, Egyptians are Muslims therefore it is Muslim land. Turkey is Turkish land, turkey is full of Muslims, therefore turkey is Muslim land. Noe of it belongs to you imperial westerners, or Christians. it was theirs before Islam came on the scene and it theirs even now with Islam on the scene and them having converted to Islam, out of freewill for the vast vast majority part.

Islam was founded to unite the Arab people who were a tribal and nomadic race in the Middle East. Egyptians, Turks, and the Byzantines of the Near East and eventually Constantinople fell to Muslim aggression which resulted in the Crusades as a response.

How is a religion founded for Arabs waging a war of conquest against lands outside the Middle East any more acceptable than other imperialist conquests?

War and conquest are not unique to any one group of people, but it is tiring to hear Muslims play the victim card. Once they stepped outside the Middle East, they weren't "taking anything back".


It's amazing how Muslims, who have dominated the middle east and subjugated and destroyed numerous non-Muslim cultures and people have done exactly what the Jews have done and written nothing but bad things about their non-Muslim ancestors.

Getting history from people who were actively hostile to anyone who doesn't believe what they do doesn't strike me as a very reliable method for uncovering facts.


"You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts"


Yeah, you can't trust Christians for the same reason. Can't forget how Christianity has spread and destroyed pagan religions and many of their followers.


Yeah, you can't trust Christians for the same reason. Can't forget how Christianity has spread and destroyed pagan religions and many of their followers.

Some very myopic viewpoints in this thread.

You can't trust humanity. Humanity has proven that since the dawn of time and continues to prove it today. Every race, religion, etc., has had it's arse kicked at some point in history. There are no innocents. Peace on earth will never be realized until The Lord Jesus returns.
I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


do you know how hypocritical you sound with that complete statement.

"Getting history from people who were actively hostile to anyone who doesn't believe what they do doesn't strike me as a very reliable method for uncovering facts."

Maybe you should take your own advice.

The Muslims were not the ones who destroyed the Greek and roman works, it was you own great Christian European cultures. The Muslims preserved it and were the ones who furthered it more than anyone else. that is why a lot of the only surviving Greek texts by Greek philosophers are now only found in Muslims countries in Arabic and their original Greek.


what are you talking about?


Muslim and non-believer is indeed an oxymoron, but what has this to do with your list of the "benefits" of islam?

The so called dark age in Europe had it's scientists and artists, too. They based their science on the writings of the philosophers of antique (i.e. science was still hermeneutic, as opposed to empiric), and this is just what the muslim scientists did. The muslims were just lucky to have more of the older writings preserved in their part of the world, expecially in Egypt. Just luck, no merit of "muslim culture".
Arts? Which arts? They weren't even allowed to draw pictures. Architecture? Nice, but copied from Byzantium and Persia. Music? Awful! There is a decent Arab poetry, but that's all.

By the way, I find muslim culture fascinating, and I need no overexaggregations or false claims to feel a deep respect for it.

Read some books, but not muslim propaganda, but written by historians who don't mix their believ and science! Most people of the near east were christians and jews before they were forced by military power to "convert" to islam.


Had it not been for Islam, Arabs would've remained the stone-hearted, ignorant barbarians they used to be prior to the rise of the Islamic religion...

All too many of them are still stone-hearted, ignorant barbarians. Just like so many Christians are.



LOL. Sorry mate, but you know jack all about history.

You said.
"Arabs were the leaders of the intellectual world before Islam."

that is like saying Mongolians are the intellectual leaders of the world int eh 21st century.

that is how ignorant you sound.

before Islam, the arabs were not even one nation, they had no real books, they had great linguistic skills in poetry, but their entire culture was oral. they had no libraries or tradition of literacy or scholasticism.

After islam, they became the worlds intellectual leaders, they invented the compass (the Chinese used to use it for divination), the Arabs turned it into a tool for navigation. They invented guns and canons, the Chinese invented gunpowder bu they again used it for firecrackers and not warfare. All of the worlds best maps were islamic in origin. All of the worlds charts, nearly all the stars used for navigation have arabic names, reflecting their origins.

Just look at the etymology of words like admiral, alchemy, chemistry, alcohol, algebra, algorithm, alkali, arsenal, borax, coffee, cotton, elixir, gauze, loofa, sugar etcetera


You seem to pride yourself on not being narrow-minded..

So I thought I should inform you there was a lot of scientific advances during the Dark Ages. Just because it's named the Dark Age, doesn't mean nothing was happening.
Look it up.


I think you're kind of missing the joke here - The joke is that trolls smell Christian blood only. In Norse folklore there's a tale that when a hero enters the troll shouts "I smell a Christian man's blood!", the creators were having fun with what is a silly concept by putting a Muslim in there and saying; what about that? The humour is in the Troll hunter's reaction when he says basically "I dunno, we'll have to see" it's not meant to be a commentary on who believes in which god rather a joke on the silliness of a fairy tale concept brought into the real world.


I got the impression the only thing Hans knew about religion, was that if you're a Christian, you cannot hunt trolls. So when he said "I dunno, we'll have to see", I think it was exectly what he meant. He probably knows nothing about islam, nor does he care.


Agreed. The movie wasn't making any kind of religious statement whatsoever, beyond drawing from the troll folklore.

Of course, any discussion about religion on IMDb draws out an entirely different type of troll.

We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. - Anais Nin


"Of course, any discussion about religion on IMDb draws out an entirely different type of troll. [] "

Can't tell you how much I agree!


Hey OP, do U know "Most Muslims"? How would U know what most Muslims think?

Sacred bats don't leave dead ibises under the portrait of the Cabbage of Celestial Increase.



with all due respect, but this is the most striking paradox I have ever heard! "Muslim" & "non-believer" are antonyms, so you might have said: "I'm of Muslim origin but I am not a believer...".

Islam means "submission to God", hence a Muslim is one who submits him/herself to belief is a inevitable for any Muslim...



Well as apparent christian you failed to understand the consept of troll EVOLUTION. In their natural habit in Norway for most of their excistence have been but single homogenous population with single religion. Other races and religions are new comers populating manily urban areas outside of troll habitat. Trolls would have been very unlikely to ever have encountered any other religious smell than that of christians. Also it was christianity not islam that replaced pagan, nature and perhaps troll worship. So the fact that christian got eaten and muslim did not some how insluted your religious belifs ? Well who is flip flopping now ?



This is Norwegian folklore. In Norwegian folklore, trolls are often associated with the ability to smell "kristenmanns blod" (Christian men's blood). They are considered unpure, unchristian, partly associated with Norse mythology (the Jotnes/Jötunns), partly with witchcraft and devil worshipping. They represent Chaos, as opposed to the Christian Cosmos.

Back when these stories and notions emerged, religion did not only concern a person's own perception, it had more to do with rituals, being part of the Christian Cosmos, i.e. being baptised. This is also noticeable in folklore from other parts of the world, like the myth of vampires' reaction to holy water. So my guess is that the notion of trolls being able to smell Christian man's blood has to do with them being able to smell baptised people's blood.


Thanks for the insight, your theory is very possible. Though I suppose in the end it just comes down to the canon of the movie.


This is the answer that most satisfied me in another thread. &p=1#191320140 It didn't technically matter that the camera guy was Christian. The only reason he was spotted was due to his sweating, because of the superstition. If he hadn't been warned he'd be targeted, he probably would have been fine.


An interesting theory. I kind of figured that being Christian is part of troll folklore that they likely were going for that angle, but that theory is entirely possible.


I think they were incorporating it with a superstition, but didn't necessarily make it fact. Really, no comparison between choosing a Christian over an atheist was ever established. I know some people might argue they first get attacked because the troll smells a Christian, but at the same time, none of the crew was taking the troll chase seriously. Whatever they used to cover their scent (I forgot what, it's been awhile since I've seen it), none of them probably applied it correctly.

I prefer it open ended. Since they tried making the existence of a troll in this world feasible, religion effecting blood smell just doesn't jive.


I don't believe that Muslims would say that. JESUS IS GOD to Christians. He's not a prophet, HE IS GOD. So you're wrong. You're all wrong and you sound stupid. Comparing Allah to the Yahweh of Judaism is almost a vali argument, except both religions kinda believe that the devil interfered with the other side's story somewhere along the line. So even then they don't really think they are worshiping the same God. One side thinks the other side is worshiping an impostor.

Is that clear enough, or will you go on believing what you and everyone you've ever known have always just assumed?


I get what your saying Mohammets, its just were not really on the same page. Im aware Muslims do not view anything other than Allah as God, while Christians believe in the trinity, which many Muslims would call shirk. But I am strictly refering to the transcendant God/Allah that both Christians and Muslims do in most cases believe to be the same God. I have consistantly been told that the majority of Jews, Christians, and Muslims fundamentally believe they are worshiping the same God. I know at least I was never suggesting that Muslims viewed Jesus as God and it is disrespectful to call people stupid because you misinterpreted what they are saying.


You're all wrong and you sound stupid. Comparing Allah to the Yahweh of Judaism is almost a vali argument, except both religions kinda believe that the devil interfered with the other side's story somewhere along the line. So even then they don't really think they are worshiping the same God. One side thinks the other side is worshiping an impostor.

Indeed, except the Jews were worshiping their own tribal deity around 1500 years before Muslims who is right this regard?

Obviously if you take someone's religion, change it and then get pissed off when the people you stole it from won't buy your garbage (and often kill them to boot) you can't expect subjective observers to take you seriously...

That applies to both Christians and Muslims.

I'm so glad I have Celtic and Norse ancestors to fall back on rather than stealing and recycling a minor middle eastern tribal group's insular and non-universal monotheism.


"You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts"


Gnostic Christianity rejects the idea of Jesus as God. That notion was something only set in Catholic stone at the Council of Nicaea in the early 4th Century, which was formed by Emperor Constantine to compile the Catholic Bible and found the Church of Rome. Various texts and points of view were put forward by the leaders of the many different churches active at the time, and basically whatever was deemed most useful and authoritarian was kept. And for the next 1700 years, Christians have been dedicating their lives to the book and its wording as commissioned by this Roman warlord.


Muslims believe that there is 1 God, the same God Jews and Christians believe in they believe that Jesus was a messenger and some go on to say he was No2. after Muhammad as the main prophet. They also believe in particular Jews and Christians are “people of the book”, and are regarding a close ally of Islam I know in the media portrays Islam negatively at times due to the actions of some. Just like to end off by saying that in the Quran it does say that all who do good be Jews, Christians, or other beliefs ( Sikhs, Hindus, Zoorastians etc) will be rewarded. We only got 1 world we might as well all get along ☺ going to watch this film ASAP!


"People of the book"? "Close allies"? HAHAHAHA. How about telling us about jizyah? Or why the Koran teaches that it's ok to deceive non-Muslims? Why are Egyptian Muslims burning down Christian churches? Why do Saudi Arabian school textbooks teach that Jews need to be exterminated?


The Jizya is a tax non-Muslims have to pay in Islamic states for not having to serve an Islamic military (while at the same time being protected by said military) and for not paying Zakat (alms Muslims has to pay that, among other things, is supposed to be used to support religious minorities in Islamic countries). If the Jizya is not too high it's fair deal; if you ask me.

"Or why the Koran teaches that it's ok to deceive non-Muslims?"

It does not. It say that God plotted against (in some older translations "deceived") a certainty group of non-believers. He does far worse then that in the OT and Revelations.

"Why are Egyptian Muslims burning down Christian churches? Why do Saudi Arabian school textbooks teach that Jews need to be exterminated?"

Because conflict turns weak minded people into paranoid, intolerant morons. It is a well known human flaw.


Don't forget Hans (the Trollhunter) is an atheist - for him a muslim probably would be something in the direction of someone scaring the kids by yelling from high towers and being strangely fussy about eating decent food (pork).


Pork is not decent food. Pigs eat what they *beep* They are filthy animals.


Pork is not decent food. Pigs eat what they *beep* They are filthy animals.
That's what Hans would have called "strangely fussy".


How is a pig more "filthy" than let's say a chicken? Pigs are highly intelligent, they just bathe themselves in mud to cool themselves because they can't sweat. As for eating their own dropings, most animals do that because they often can't digest all food at once. Pigs aren't any more "filthy" than other farm animals. If anything, they shouldn't be eaten, because they are so intelligent.


.. You'd be well of spending some time on an actual farm learning about the different animals.

Seriously, you haven't a clue about reality in this field.


I'm just going to comment instead of reading through everyone's comments... I'm not 100% sure since I didn't make this movie and I'm not Norwegian, but, I'm pretty sure it's the trolls smell Christian blood, not God believing blood. He also asked if they believe in God, as in a Christian God, not as in any god, for example the Muslim god Allah. He even said he's not sure if they'll smell her, but clearly they didn't. It is the Christians that they smell. In Scandinavian folklore trolls are not Christianized creatures. Not sure if that is any reason they showed the trolls as able to smell Christian blood or not, but that can be connected to it.



Pretty sure the ancient Christians had horrific hygiene issues. They learned a great deal from the early Muslims. Before....attempting to kill them.

And the Muslims learned what they know from the Pagan Roman and Greeks - who were Europeans. They re-labelled a normal Roman bath as a "Moroccan bath", the copied many things from Greek writings they translated and they took advantage of the fact that Europe was going through a Dark Age to invade it and conquer it...then when Europeans struck back in anyway they called them barbarians.

A bit like how the Japanese invaded China right in the middle of it's worst civil period of unrest and called them backwards sick people. I doubt that will happen again soon.

Muslims wouldn't exist but for the fact that the Byzantine and Persian Empires were exhausted from decades of war and had no chance to recover before the Arabs invaded. Couple that with favourable colonial policies (you can convert and become one of the conquerors, and you can pay a special tax and they will mostly leave you alone) and you can see why it spread so quickly. A very good system of domination and conquest.

Yet it collapsed due to infighting - and we're blamed for that because all we did was rediscover our pre-Christian glory, separate Church from State and start building strong nations and colonies again.

It's annoying to see Medieval Christian Europeans portrayed as dirty barbarians. They did the best with what they had and founded a civillisation that has dominated the world despite a century of darkness and attempted invasions by a history book, they started all this not us.


"You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts"


they started all this not us.

You've hit it right in the nail! The very core of this silly debate about Christians vs. Muslims vs. Jews vs. Pagans vs. etc.... is US VERSUS THEM! It was THEIR fault, THEY started it! And THAT'S the mentality that justified virtually every single useless conflict since the dawn of time.

Honestly, it was freaking centuries ago. Each culture offered something different and new, yet each culture also plagiarized heavily from other cultures because they were intelligent enough to see that their predecessors had good ideas!

They re-labelled a normal Roman bath as a "Moroccan bath"

This reminds me of the Balkans. Turks call their coffee "Turkish," Greeks call theirs "Greek," Macedonians call theirs "Macedonian," when it's all really the same effing thing: coffee grinds and water boiled in a little pot. What actually bothers me is why Americans call the fries they love so much "French" when they purportedly despise France...

the copied many things from Greek writings they translated the benefit of Christian Europe as well as Muslims, it should be noted!

and they took advantage of the fact that Europe was going through a Dark Age to invade it and conquer it...then when Europeans struck back in anyway they called them barbarians.

...which era was this? Are you referring to the Battle of Vienna by any chance (which was past the period erroneously called "Dark")? The Crusades? It should also be noted that the Battle of Vienna would've been lost to the Turks if it weren't for the Poles (yet another nationality that had been oft-marginalized by history).

open a history book

Which one? History is written by the victors, after all...
Manuscripts don't burn.



You've hit it right in the nail! The very core of this silly debate about Christians vs. Muslims vs. Jews vs. Pagans vs. etc.... is US VERSUS THEM! It was THEIR fault, THEY started it! And THAT'S the mentality that justified virtually every single useless conflict since the dawn of time.

Well the whole us vs them thing isn't helpful but when you're attacked first you do have a choice to capitulate or respond in kind. If medieval Christians didn't respond Spain, Eastern Europe and likely western Europe would never have survived...

I say they started it because they did - not as an excuse to retaliate NOW...

Honestly, it was freaking centuries ago. Each culture offered something different and new, yet each culture also plagiarized heavily from other cultures because they were intelligent enough to see that their predecessors had good ideas!

History is important to some people and cultures. In the Old World we have a longer memory and are heirs to long standing cultures and traditions.

The Muslim Empires were no better or worse than anyone else. But today they make out they were some sort of innocent group who were picked on by evil crusaders - the history books show the opposite. Christians lost a Third of their terrorities and never recovered most of them - the first Crusade happened three centuries after a third of Christendom was annexed. It's the historical revisionism and false portrays of Muslims as a bunch of nice guys and Europeans as dirty barbarians I cannot stand. We have as much right to be proud of our achievements as anyone else...and unlike Muslims we admit our past mistakes. Britain ended slavery 150 years before the Arabs....

This reminds me of the Balkans. Turks call their coffee "Turkish," Greeks call theirs "Greek," Macedonians call theirs "Macedonian," when it's all really the same effing thing: coffee grinds and water boiled in a little pot. What actually bothers me is why Americans call the fries they love so much "French" when they purportedly despise France...

It's not the same. The Balkands suffered terribly under Ottoman rule for centuries. Roman baths were invented by the Romans - that's all there is to it. I call Turkish coffee 'Turkish coffee' because it was invented by the Turks. No big deal giving credit where it is due. "Freedom" fries is childish. In the case of the Greeks, centuries of attempted genocide does tend to jade you against the people who conquered and brutalised you. Turkey still occupies half of Cyprus and is a country built on annexed Greek land so they have a right to be as bitter as the coffee they argue over, especially when the Turkish state is in denial over it's past and current crimes. the benefit of Christian Europe as well as Muslims, it should be noted!

I never said anything to the contrary. Europe was in the grip of religious control of government. We got over it and remade ourselves into a greater civillisation than Rome. We went way past the learning of those peoples. No civillisation has been as inventive over the last 500 years. I can only think of the Chinese at their Zenith as a fair comparison.

...which era was this? Are you referring to the Battle of Vienna by any chance (which was past the period erroneously called "Dark")? The Crusades? It should also be noted that the Battle of Vienna would've been lost to the Turks if it weren't for the Poles (yet another nationality that had been oft-marginalized by history).

The Battle of Vienna was only a few hundred years ago (and the Poles should be eternally praised for their efforts).

I'm talking about the 6th Century to the 15th Century. The European Dark ages following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. The Eastern Byzantine Roman Empire had just concluded a brutal and bloody war with Persia leaving both sides weakened and bloodied....and then the Arabs attacked and founded the Islamic Empire. Both the Byzantines and the Persians struggled for centuries and ultimately lost. What is now the Islamic middle east is mostly the remains of those two peoples.

They sacked Rome in the 800s, and got all the way to Tours in France before being stopped by Charles Martel (another unsung European hero like our Polish friends). This is still 250 years before the first Crusade (and no crusade was ever launched against lands that were not previously Christian).

Which one? History is written by the victors, after all...

Except in this case some of the best history books written between 800 and 1100 were by Muslims...and they confirm everything I've mentioned.
This is why people get uppity when Muslims want to build a mosque near ground zero named after their biggest conquest in Spain in the 800s. That would be like me building a museum to the Nazi's down the road from Warsaw. Not very sensitive, right?

No one is saying anyone is perfect. But Muslims are no better than anyone else - and until they stop this Taqqiya (which is koran sanctioned lying to make Islam look good) the world will not be able to take them seriously or trust them not to still be following the tenets of Jihad and spreading Islam until, to quote the koran "All religion is for Allah".

Christianity has had to give up political power...time for Islam to do the same and then we can all move past this nonsense and focus on more important things.



It doesn't matter whether they believe in the same God or not. Trolls can smell "Christian Man's blood", so the blood of a Christian. Doesn't matter what God they believe in, just that they are Christian.
