What a crazy ending?

Why did everyone start running away at the end? And what happened to Hans? I hope there will be a sequel because this movie left a lot of questions! Let me just say I am NOT looking forward to the American remake, this movie is fine on its own.


Because Trollsikkerhetstjenesten (the Troll Security Agency) came and killed them to remove any witnesses.

Hans? We never know.



That would've been a nice touch. Also would've taken the "what the hell just happened" taste out of my mouth



After watching it I had two possible endings...

1) The guys were coming after them to destroy the evidence and either kidnapped or killed the college kids. Only problem with this theory is why didn't they get rid of the evidence? The videos still got released... hm...

2) When we were brought to the road the truck was honking the horn like crazy, but we never got into the road... what was the truck honking at? A troll perhaps? Maybe one of the trolls came out and killed them, leaving the film there because, well they don't know what it's for, they just leave it there, grab the people or eat them, if its a Jotnar it could have swallowed them whole, therefore no evidence of what happened to them... Also if TSS saw the troll they could have jumped back into the vehicles and escaped but the college kids have no escape, boom they're troll food.


the sun was out, so that kinda shoots some holes in theory #2


Oh yeah, very true... I will then stick with #1


I think Hans himself somehow concealed the footage from the TST and was eventually able to send the footage out. This makes sense to me, since he clearly stated that he wanted the footage to be exposed to the world so things could change within the STS. Being someone inside the agency, he had the best chance of getting this done.


IMO TSA was after them only for their footage. I don't see how would someone believe their story (even if they somehow managed to get away) without any proof. Hans stayed there, like the first time they encountered a troll, to get rid of the evidence of it's existence. Anyway, one of the best movies I've seen lately. About trucks - I believe that I heard brakes after the horn sound, which would mean that he managed to run away.
I just remembered that in the end they didn't say anything about that seismologist that showed up in the end.


That's one thing that didn't make any sense to me. If they were going to kill them why wait that long? Why would they let them get deeper and deeper? Why don't you get the troll hunter in line and get him to tell those kids to *beep* OFF? And if they did kill them, why the hell would they leave the footage behind? It just seemed random that they would just all of the sudden feel threatened at the end of the movie by the government officials when they never gave any indication that their life was threatened by them? It was just random.

Interesting concept, but for a movie trying to maintain realism, which is why the went with the mockumentary style, it was extremely unrealistic and I am not talking about the ending either. It was an OK film. I felt it dragged during the segments in which they weren't interacting with trolls because the characters were so flat and uninteresting, it was constant exposition after exposition... Not a single fleshed out character. Yea, you get to learn about the troll hunter, what he does and how he does...but they missed the most important question WHY? Why does he do a job that pays very little, that is completely unappreciated, that gives him pretty *beep* set of equipment to hunt man eating trolls?

I don't know, the movie had an interesting concept, but it was FLAT.


"but they missed the most important question WHY? Why does he do a job that pays very little, that is completely unappreciated, that gives him pretty *beep* set of equipment to hunt man eating trolls?"

Lots of people work crappy jobs that they don't like. We can't all be rock stars.

"Smile, Castle, you're gonna see your family again!"


My take on the ending is that at least Thomas got away, he got a lift with the trucker and he had the hard drives.

What happened to the girls and the seismologist I have no determined theory about, but if they were killed, would we not have seen or heard anyone being shot (in that environment I am assuming that a rifle would have been used)? I think that TST were only after the hard drives, since - as someone pointed out earlier - without evidence the kids probably will not even try telling the world.

The theory where Hans had the hard drives was appealing at first, but then I realised he would have had to go back to get the final footage that includes when he leaves to fight the troll until the filming stops at the edge of the road, and TST would have reached Thomas first.


No, I think you're right. He grabbed all the "fresh" camera footage off Malica via the camera and made off with every bit of footage they ever recorded. Although, I think he died of rabies before he could ever come out with it, but someone came across it and analyzed the footage and determined it was real as mentioned in the intro.

got blunt?


Yeah, I took it the kids were murdered, but I didn't understand how the footage got out in that case, I wish it hadn't ended on such a dour, weird note.

zider is a lying pro-Uwe Boll douchebag - Note that.


The ending was a little flat for an otherwise awesome movie!

Also, I kept expecting Thomas to turn into a troll like a werewolf. So the rabies thing was pointless since he was clearly murdered by the TSS.


Nope, he was killed by rabies, that's why the tapes got released - the TSS didn'n get the tapes.


The TSS Agent grew a conscience after he killed those kids?

Also, there were braking noises coming from the truck because it was out of control, sliding down the road.

False: all conservatives are stupid people;
True: most stupid people are conservative


The ending isn't all that confusing. The kid that got to the road where the truck slammed on its brakes was the one with the rabies. He either gave the trucker the footage or got a ride with the trucker.

Everyone else was killed by the TSS and disposed of (maybe they fed their bodies to the trolls or used them as bait to round up the rest of the trolls who'd roamed out of their territory).

If the guy who got to the trucker and gave him/her the footage got a ride with the trucker, he was later killed or captured by TSS while in hospital getting treatment for rabies. If he didn't get a ride he was killed with the others by TSS or died b/c of the rabies or exposure or both and was then disposed of by TSS.

Regardless, the trucker, after seeing the footage, and the fear of the guy giving it to him/her, understood the danger of it, and thus anonymously sent it out.

That prevents anyone (TSS) from looking for the trucker (or at least much of the motivation to look).
