Dreadful wrap-up to the end

So, the Japs just packed up and went home and the Nazis just stayed where they were because they.... were good guys at heart, is that it?
What a load of bullocks. I'd rather the empire and fascist forces were left in full play and things continued as they were.
What we were served up with was nothing more than a contrived happy ending, which just sat badly with how well most of the series was done.
Utter, utter, utter cobblers.


What pissed me off is:
1: Why would you put a generator OUTSIDE OF THE ELECTRIFIED FENCE? Dumbest crap I have ever seen. Basically all you need to do is cut the wire and the whole thing goes down without even having to hop over the fence or find some way over it.

2: Why would the most important leader of the Nazi America NOT have an escort like planes or even another jet powered train that's like 2-3 minutes behind them or view distance but enough to pull a full stop and have guns trained on the resistance fighters and troops packed in it as reserves.

3: Don't get why they would stand down just because Smith died. As one of the BCP members said, white nazis so there would have been many in the American Reich to take over. I know he left his more pacifist friend in charge if something were to happen to him but there would be mutiny or assassination on him to take charge of the army and stuff. Just like Operation Valkyrie but in the opposite end to make the Reich complete in the western hemisphere.

4: Gate was fully open or somehow merged? People coming from everywhere? What? Didn't the man in the high castle warn of repercussions that'll effect the timeline? Where are they all coming from exactly and everywhere had some portal? I'm not following. This is gonna mess up so many peoples lives. I am guessing the man in the high castle went through to find his alt-wife (or a new life) and mess up his alts-life to get his wife (who knows really). Talk about a weird ending.


1: Yes, this is true, but I didn't mind it too much because they could just as easily have shown a little power shed with a few guards in it, some resistance guys stealth-kill them and take the shed, then kill the power and radio Wyattliam, "You're all clear to cut the fence", and it's done. Or they might have shown them shredding a bunch of tires and weaving them into an anti-shock quilt, draping it over the fence, and then clambering over. There are a lot of ways they could have circumnavigated the fence, so it's not a problem for me because it doesn't matter so much how they did it.

2: That train was running like clockwork the whole time with no problems. Why would they do that? If they did, they'd basically be prescient, which would be more annoying (I hate when omniscient bad guys in shows can just "anticipate" the heroes' plans; it feels cheap). Keeping jets or helicopters paced with a train? That's rough. What would the other train have done? Either braked in time to need to rappel from those sky-high tracks or not brake in time and create a bigger wreck.

3: Because Smith's little buddy was already hating the Reich. You can see it on his face in the broadcast. He remembers Danny. He was also mostly just following Smith. In the span of a couple years, they lose Hitler, Himmler, and Smith, and they're just tired of it. They talk numerous times in the show about the uprisings, dissent, and increased resistance in the American Reich. The Nazis were barely holding power there.

4: I got the impression the gate at the end was more of a hub. The Reich scientists only managed to open a two-way portal to one specific universe. The ending gate was a multiverse nexus deal. It was a weird ending, and I'm not sure I "got" all of it or if it works for me, but as far as where they were coming from, I think it was because there was a higher quality portal open. I would surmise that some brainiac in another universe was way ahead of the Reich on that one.


What was portrayed in the Pacific US under Japanese occupation was probably pretty accurate to what would or could happen, if only on a truncated timeline. Think about East Germany. The Soviet Bloc couldn't stay forever, sooner or later those countries are going to leave because the people there won't forget that it's their home and that home doesn't look like this. Japan was stretched thin in the show and was losing ground all the time. It made a lot of sense.
