MovieChat Forums > The Man in the High Castle (2015) Discussion > National Sociaism is much needed in Amer...

National Sociaism is much needed in America.

But this parallel universe thing is a joke.


National socialism needed? Never! Were America a human body national socialism would be the feces the body produced - a poisonous substance good for nothing.


It would clean out the populace.


Is that so? Pray tell, what segments did you have in mind?


National Socialism was pure evil, and almost as much a danger to a free society as communism and leftism ever were. The only reason I don't rate it as as great a danger is that National Socialism was nakedly, disgustingly, wickedly racist -- and therefore obviously identifiable as evil -- while socialism and communism at least maintain the veneer of being about a greater good for everyone, which makes them more appealing, and therefore insidious, and therefore ultimately more dangerous (as Shakespeare said "the devil hath power T' assume a pleasing shape"). Because it's so clumsily obvious in its evil, Nazism is more easily identifiable as the enemy; that artlessness is the only aspect in whiche it is less dangerous than socialsm/communism.


Add laissez-faire capitalism to that list. Unless you consider plutocracy to be a good system. Political extremes which propose one remedy for every ill, in dogmatic fashion like a religion, are always bad. It's balance and compromise that lead to a stable order. Every problem tends to demand a different solution and if you're wedded to a single approach, there are problems you can only exacerbate and never fix.

Isms in my opinion are not good. - Ferris Bueller


You don't have/never had laissez-faire capitalism


No, I wouldn't add laissez-faire capitalism to that list. As JohnnyDoe remarked, we don't have that, and never did. The closest we ever came to totally unregulated, laissez-faire capitalism was during the 19th century, and it was not even in the same universe of bad as communism or nazism. No death camps, no gulags, no secret police, no show trials, no state propaganda ministry, etc. etc. And to make myself clear -- as I am sure I will be accused of advocating for it if I don't -- I am not holding out laissez-faire capitalism as an ideal system. But if I were forced to chose it or socialism/communism or nazism on the other hand... No-brainers don't come any simpler.


Hey newsflash communism is not a political belief system.. it is an Economic system. There’s nothing evil about communism itself.


So murdering 100 million people is okay, as long as you're murdering races equally?



Uh, no, that's not what I wrote at all, and if you think it is... Well, sorry, you have a serious reading comprehension problem. I'll explain it again, and I'll try to use smaller words:

Nazism is evil. It is easily identifiable by most people as evil because it is so nakedly racist and based on hatred of other people's not considered part of the in group. Socialism/Communism maintain the veneer -- i.e. the outward appearance of not being so evil because it is not so nakedly exclusionary to all except a select group of pre-chosen elite, and it at least purports to be about "the greater good." And, you will note, I also said this makes it more insidious, and ultimately more dangerous, because that less nakedly evil outward appearance makes it more appealing to people who don't look past the surface, and therefor that particular evil ideology is easier to spread.

Why is it I have to explain this to you?


the comment party in the usa has 5000 members. 0.00001% of the US population. WHO is advocating for communism lol. what are you even talking about?


Nobody uses the word "communist" in this country anymore, because it carries too many negative connotations -- even so, my original point stands: communism is more attractive to most people because it sounds more inclusive, while Nazism was blatantly EXclusive of all but a selected racial elite. That's why there have been a score or so countries around the world that were explicitly communist (there are still five), while there was ONE country that was Nazi.

And thought almost no one in the U.S. openly calls themselves communist anymore, there are plenty that still use the name "Marxist" the founders of BLM are just a couple of notable examples. There are many others.

Seriously dude, I can explain it to you: I can't understand it for you.


I have a degree in political science. Fair its a Bachelors degree so nothing to write home about. But I guarantee I know more about this and political systems and ideology than you do.

Your conflation of terms is frankly astounding and you wouldn't pass a first year class

Pleaseee SHOW ME the hundreds of thousands and high profile members with power all advocating for a command economy. I'll wait..

A small handful is not the majority or even representative. I can show you fascist conservatives, should I assume all conservatives are nazis? It's ridiculous.

Even the most prominent far leftists (for American standards) such as AOC of Bernie would literally be centre left in most of the world.

What you conflate as rampant communism is 90% of the time people asking for more socialization of certain aspects of the mixed market more in the Canadian or nordic model. Often revolving around healthcare or the increased funding of things like education. This isnt new. This isnt revolutionary. its a slight change in what people see as an overextension of the private market abusing their position and that they shouldn't do certain things. You'd never want the US economy privatized? why not you damn commie! see how silly that is..

The fact you conflate central planning or a command economy with a slight change of only a small amount of the economy is truly astounding

Seriously dude, I can explain it to you. I actually have an education in this subject. But I cant understand it for you when you just throw out terms you claim to understand but clearly don't.


I have a degree in political science. Fair its a Bachelors degree so nothing to write home about. But I guarantee I know more about this and political systems and ideology than you do.

And I have a bachelor's and a master's in history, with an emphasis on Europe. I guarantee you don't.

Pleaseee SHOW ME the hundreds of thousands and high profile members with power all advocating for a command economy. I'll wait..

Not a claim I ever made. Straw man.

The original post was NOTHING to do with the economic details of these ideologies, it was to explain the fact that Nazism is today pretty much universally regarded as evil, while communism -- which actually murdered millions more victims -- still has its apologists, and that plenty of people today, including respected academics, are self-proclaimed Marxists, despite the fact that (as Jordan Peterson pointed out), the chief thing that governments espousing Marxist doctrines did for the poor throughout the 20th century was imprison them, enslave them, work them to death, or execute them. That doesn't mean I don't understand the difference between command economies and market economies with a large welfare state, or even the fascist variation of socialism. I understand them quite well. Go teach your grandmother to suck eggs.


LOL that's why you re lecturing a political scientist about basic political science terms. Good job. Which school can you get a masters in European history and actually think mixed market capitalism is a command economy.. That school and those teachers have failed.

LOL referencing Jordan Peterson. You just lost. Im done here man. You don't understand a mixed market vs a command economy. First you say there are plenty of communists. then when I say where, where are all these people advocating a command economy. You switch to marxism and say well actually no. then switch back to communism the ideology. You ant have your cake and eat it.

You keep saying "plenty of marxists" and yet im asking for a single prominent one. where are they all? not saying none exists/ show me our congress men and women and senators advocating marxism? I can send you a link of a prominent conservative state senator saying if his kids were gay he would murder them. not figuratively. he says he would drown them. I guess there's a problem with republicans they all want to kill gays!!! this is what you sound like

And all your an do is parrot conservative talking points. I bet you don't even have a degree.Your rage at the end proves you don't know crap you just wanted to use conservative buzzwords and sound authoritative.

Still waiting for you to point out all the prominent powerful marxists.. Lots be honest. You never attended school. No one who has is this ignorant.


LOL that's why you re lecturing a political scientist about basic political science terms. Good job. Which school can you get a masters in European history and actually think mixed market capitalism is a command economy

ALSO something I never said. (Straw Man number 2.) And only a serious reading comprehension problem could lead you to believe I did. Forgive me if I don't take your claims of high education seriously when you can't seem to grasp basic, declarative statements, AND you have to distort your opponent's arguments in order to attack them.

You then follow that up with an ad hominem (your response to Jordan Peterson being brought up). And you follow THAT with a red herring (the conservative state senator). And then personal attacks.

Almost literally every sentence you write contains a logical fallacy. Faulty reasoning, in other words. You can't THINK. If you could, your arguments would not consist entirely of distortions, personal attacks, and fallacies. If you really do have the degree you claim, it's rather an indictment of the university that conferred it on you, given your lack of ability to reason.


You dont know what strawmanning means. you re the guy who throws it out because he thinks it sounds smart.

again nice how you never addressed a single point I made. This was three paragraphs of playing the victim, whining and crying.

this is what normally happens when someone loses.

good job exposing yourself like that


LOL referencing Jordan Peterson. You just lost. Im done here man.

You're done here? Then why are you responding? Clearly you can't be consistent or truthful any more than you can be logical.

I think it's clear enough to any unbiased observer who has exposed what.


You just say this because Arija Bareikis looks like Eva Braun


Funny my wife said last night she thought this series might empower crackpots as opposed to being a whew I am glad they lost. It does serve as a warning that evil elements such as the original comment poster are alive and well and we need to be vigilant. What i wonder is why the "clean them out" comment people on this board care so much as to want to go through the hassle to kill people who are different from them. The idea of our Declaration and Constitution was a live and let ethos. Of course as the BCR Bell points out in the hacked NAZI TV scene that the constitution was way ahead of the curve and tolerated slavery and women not voting for a long time. I suppose all big ideas are visions that may take time and struggle to realize. Respecting other peoples rights to do as they please so long as they do not impinge upon your rights (Libertarianisnism) does not mean you have to do what they do or even agree with them. For example, I do not use recreational drugs but I am pro legalization because of the libertarian ethos points I made above.


No one ever needs socialism, and America certainly doesn't need any more nationalism than it already has.


Arija Bareikis hates National Socialism


No thank you.
