should I binge this ??

any opinions


Have you seen it yet Hownos?

Is it any good?


I enjoyed it.


I'm about 4 or 5 episodes into the first season... I doubt i'll stay with it for much longer... it seems like they're wasting a fantastic premise...

it'a very TV kind of TV show, which doesn't appeal to me... I'm only watching it due to a few friends strongly recommending the series...


Watch it for John Smiths character development.
Can't wait to see how he reacts to the events of season 2's cliff hanger ending.


I had heard it gets better after episode 6. glad I heard it, otherwise I would have abandoned this "boring" series too and miss out this great show.

the pace and other stuffs really pick up after it. I could barely watch the first couple episodes, but binged through the later ones and season 2.


Yeah... I have to agree... they had wasted so much time crying about dead sisters in the first episodes, but finally started to get into what the show was supposed to be about in the latter episodes...


I'm currently on the binge.

It's quite good.

The characters are well written, the acting is solid and the story has enough mystery to keep your going. I've got Phillip K. Dick's "Man In The High Castle" at home and have only gotten a few pages in, so I can't say how much of the televised version syncs with the original book.

I'm loving the show though!
