Lisa is a control freak!!

After seeing Lisa on IRT I have lost all respect for her. I liked her on Ice Road Truckers but she didn't have to share a truck on that show. Seeing her on IRT we see her true colors. I am no longer a Lisa fan. Get over yourself Lisa!! Your not that great!!


I think if I was an employer, I'd trust a truck to Lisa, she is very responsible and diligent. However, you're right, she clearly struggles being in the passenger seat. However, does that make her a bad person or someone we should lose all respect for? I would say not. She could be more supportive and hopefully she'll learn to be that way. Of course you also have to remember that the editing is done to make things appear worse than they are.


I agree 100%. Seeing her ride shotgun changed my opinion of her. Was a big fan of her when she was working the Dalton. Now? Not so much.


Agree 100%, she really showed her behind this year. I thought she might feel remorse for keeping dude in the passenger seat in Boliva, especially after the TNT (Two Newbies in a Truck) started talking smack. Instead, Texas guy has to drive an overloaded and an out of CG truck (it looked like dude was doing a tractor pull up a mountain) with her setting in the passenger pouting like a little girl. When she does get out to help, she starts telling her partner to cut his wheels when they are only on the ground 10% of the time and when they are in contact on the road, they aren't even turning. Then she gets back in the truck and starts talking bad about him behind his back.


Something else that bothers me, she had two failed attempts with Dave and made 1 run on the training wheel death road and she is acting like she has 20yrs senority and she is evaluating whether or not he should be hired.
