MovieChat Forums > Borgia (2011) Discussion > Ceasar Delle Roveres son?

Ceasar Delle Roveres son?

What was the deal with that storyline? Does it have any basis in reality? Personally I didn't care for it.


I think it was just put in there to give a valid reason why Cesare allowed Della Rovere to become pope.


He's not his dad. His mother confesses to the lie in one ep


Right there with Rome, Game of Thrones, and Tudors for me. If anybody knows any show similar to this one totally tell me. Ryder's Cesare was superbly acted and I'm shocked he's not in more.


What was the deal with that storyline? Does it have any basis in reality?

The storyline is based on a very old gossip. The French historian Antoine Varillas wrote in his book "Les Anecdotes de Florence" that Cardinal San Pietro in Vincoli( della Rovere) knowing that the Spanish Cardinals pledged on oath to vote for anyone the Duke of Valentinois would tell them, was able to convince Cesare that he's his true father and the old enmity between him and Rodrigo Borgia was in fact entirely caused by Rodrigo's jealousy, but now, after Rodrigo's death, he's going to treat Cesare as a son if Cesare would help him to become a pope.

It's hardly possible to tell now if the rumour has any serious basis( probably not lol) but anyway it's not anything Tom Fontana and his writers has invented out of thin air. Varillas' book is from 1685, and I'm not even sure if he was the first one who mentioned this story.


Guiliano was not Cesare's father.


I didn't say della Rovere was Cesare's father. It's not true in the series and - most probably - wasn't so in history.

What I said is that the gossip of how della Rovere LIED to Cesare to get the votes of his Spanish cardinals is actually at least 300 years old. So regardless of whether one likes the using of the rumor on "Borgia", it's not just the writers' crazy idea.

Personally I thought they have built it in pretty well - considering Cesare's unstable character, and the difficult relationship between him and Rodrigo through the whole series, and Vannozza's deceitful ways etc. On the show I do understand how and why he came to the foolish decision to support Giuliano.


I didn't mean you, Eugenia.

I don't know how true it is, but I have heard somewhere Della Rovere was once a former lover of Vannozza's too.


I seriously expected to hear the Star Wars music in that scene. That or at least hear Caesare say "That's not true! That's impossible!"

--Am I pissing you off yet?--
