MovieChat Forums > Dragon Eyes (2014) Discussion > on the 2nd streetfight the 2nd fighter

on the 2nd streetfight the 2nd fighter

when Hong was attacked, who was the 2nd fighter, who helped him? where did came from? I thought, he was one of the 6th street kings?


It was that first cluster of Kings, yeah. Apparently one Hong beats someone up, they become his bessfrens/minions. Even once he took on the leader of the Kings, said leader became his happy lieutenant. It even threw me a loop when I watched it just now, and especially that none of the other kings or the Eastsiderz remarked about it.


thank you!!! sounds logical!


It sounds logical? 

Nothing about this movie was logical.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried
