Musical Montages

90% of this movie was a bad collection of music montages. Really struggled to get through it. Badly written, badly filmed and badly acted.


Consisting of bloody silverchair and powderfinger and the songs played for far too long as well, for no other point than to highlight how cool it was to have silverchair on thew soundtrack, what a piece of crap!

Definition of troll on IMDb - anyone who expresses a view different to mine.


Harsh comments...The music montages were pretty ordinary and lacking a musical score. I thought the dialogue was fine but my problem was with the story - I'm not sure there was one to be filmed. Ben, at 28, is looking for meaning and direction in life but I could care less about his character, mainly because he is wealthy and has everything but a meaningful relationship. Cue the strings.

The direction was fine, as was the acting. The editing was terrible but I understand why they may of edited in this way to give the film an accelerated feel to cover up it's minimal plot. A fast moving Aussie film! That is rare, also, depicting the Aussie upper class on film is long overdue.

I guess if Ben really was in a quarter-life crisis, why didn't he seek out a therapist, rather than asking his friends and 'mentor' over an hour to help sort out his life. His sensitive bearded friend help him in the end, but for some reason Ben tries to confide in Andy, a poorly written character who is clearly stupid and Ben should know that.

I'll watch it again in the hopes to discover a second layer to the film.
