D!ck joke?

In the very beginning of the movie there are two fairies sitting on the ledge of the little housing community. Presumably it's a boy pixie and a girl pixie. Right before another boy pixie runs up and kicks him over the edge, the boy pixie that's sitting next to the girl is talking to her. There are no words actually being said but it looks like these two have been conversating for a while. Anyways, right before he gets kicked over the edge he raises his hands up as if he's describing the size of something to her (kinda like if someone is describing the size of a fish they caught) and she rolls her eyes.
Does anyone else think that the animator a tried to pull a fast one on everyone and threw in a dick joke there? Or has my sense of humor been corrupted from growing up in the 80's and having a weirdly pervy mom and dad with sick sense of humor?


