
You know the scene in Mulholland Drive where Betty practices her audition with Rita? The horrid "I hate you, I hate you" version before the one at the studio. That's the level of acting prowess on display in this movie.


Oh my gosh.



Nice reference.
I'm 20 minutes in, watching it on Hulu. I'm contemplating stopping. The acting is terrible. "Mumble core" still requires delivery and timing. These two are just spitting out the lines of a script that is trying way too hard.
Not sure if I'm going to make it to the end on this one. If I do, it will be with the aid of the FFWD button.


The ending is quite shocking.


Yeah they are like aliens in human skin body costumes. my problem with mumblecore is that their lack of money isn't why the movies are bad, it's the editing and bad acting that ruins a good mumblecore idea. but the good ones are really good


I'm just listening to it and browsing the web. Works for me.
