This review made me LAUGH

The review of this piece of trash in the Daily Mail made me laugh out loud!

An sample of the review -

It’s filmed on a shaky hand-held camera, like The Blair Witch Project, but without a decent script, direction or camera equipment. It’s an 88-minute waste of electricity. Mostly, you just long for it to end.
Kevin Gates’ moronic dialogue, liberally scattered with four-letter words, is as devoid of ideas as his direction, which is shared with someone called Michael Bartlett.

Read more:

All the reviewers are saying this.

But if you take a peek at Amazon suddenly everyone is saying how amazing it is. Once again the marketing boys are trying to drum up support by posting false reviews on the sites that actually make the money - Amazon and Play etc.

Lets hope they are found out SOON.


That's just... sad.


But if you take a peek at Amazon suddenly everyone is saying how amazing it is. Once again the marketing boys are trying to drum up support by posting false reviews on the sites that actually make the money - Amazon and Play etc.


When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


No. Pathetic is the ones who use multiple accounts on here to go and vote movies a 1 as many times as possible. That is what's pathetic!.

"You can't kill me Stefan. Nothing can." - Radu Vladislas



Thats called good marketing catch those who just wanna buy something good and tada making money just like they did on the first one.
