I rated this 10/10

Not because it was 10/10 but because the rating of 3.9 was terribly misleading, when i saw it on here i thought it would be a crap movie - it was well shot,had a good interesting entertaining story - Yes there where some flaws, yes the acting was rather average for the most part - but the film was not a disaster. Post-apocalyptic fans will enjoy this film - zombie fans will also like it - i also enjoy the fact the zombies where not fast - the slow zombie style gives films like this more realism.

The film is about a 7 or a 8.


Let's be honest... Zombies freeze. You can't just stand still and expect Zombies to walk right on by. Pretty lame bandit story.

Also what the *beep* was with that Billy kid? *beep* retarded.


You left out the buzzing of flies outside in the middle of winter. Zombie Diaries 1 & 2 have won the award of least threatening zombies ever filmed.

If one good deed in all my life I did,
I do repent it from my very soul.
Aaron the Moor


I gave it a 1, just to counter your rating. See how silly it is to rate a movie high/low in an attempt to "correct" it?


so i will make 15 accounts and give this movie a 10
