How can I See this?

I've checked the Syfy channel schedule and don't see it. Same nothing on Netflix or Where can I find it now? Thx


It's been released on DVD (last month, I think).

[Edit] It looks like it had been released in Europe in September but not Stateside yet. Sorry for that.




I have been looking for it on DVD also . The only way I have seen it so far is by getting lucky and catching it on the SCI-FI channel . I wish that it was out on dvd or Blu-Ray because it is a pretty decent movie for what it is .Far better than the first one that was a piece of steaming crap , the second one was alright but still better than the first piece of junk .

I guess the next time it comes on I will have to go old school and use my vcr and tape, then put it on a DVR .


You can actually find this on Youtube right now.


It's available on Blu-Ray. I got mine through the German Amazon site. Be aware that, though the movie is in English, the only subtitles are in German ... as are the menus etc.

He who pays the Piper ... calls the tune!
