
I read about this documentary in a May 2012 People magazine feature, and was wondering when this was coming out.

According to imdb, this documentary has been in post-production for over 2 years now?

Any updates would be greatly appreciated. It's a very interesting story that shouldn't be abandoned or ignored.


Yes it took a while but this documentary is now up and running on Netflix!

Such an incredibly sad story.


While sad it's also baffling. I really don't understand it. Unless something spiritually sinister has taken over the town.


There is a phenomenon called "suicide contagion" that helps explain a lot of this. It's the reason that they rush a lot of counselors into a high school (or even middle school) when there is a student suicide. In my experience, "suicide contagion" has two elements: one, teens identify more with the deceased peer than they do with their parents or other adults, and, paradoxically, when they hear "everyone is surprised, they all thought (s)he was so happy, with so much to live for," the teens who identify think, "Yeah, I know what that's like, nobody really caring, nobody really knowing what's going on with you." This is why appeals to empathy, such as "Your parents and friends will never get over this" don't seem effective.

The second component of "suicide contagion" appears to be the dramatic attention devoted to the deceased youth, the outpouring of letters, little bears and other gifts at the site, social media a teen who feels lonely, misunderstood, with low self esteem, these testimonials of love are very appealing. Again, rational appeals, "You won't be around to receive all that attention" don't seem to be heard by some teens.

A 2006 documentary about suicides on The Golden Gate Bridge, "The Bridge," where an average of one person a month has taken their life, shows the complex reasons that people suicide. What that movie documents that is also seen in Bridgend is that lack of mental health access (or refusal to use what is available) is the most common precipitant for suicide.


suicide contagion is not some mysterious young-person phenomenon; it (and peer pressure/social proof generally) happens in all age groups. young people actually have the lowest suicide rates in the US; the highest are elderly followed by middle aged.

i SAID good day, sir!


Exactly, it's 100% spiritual. Justin Beecham said he was hearing voices in his head telling him to do bad things. This is a common theme with suicidal people. I don't believe anybody kills themselves without being under heavy demonic influence.


Then you are a total moron MistaDobbyLina. Your opinion is dangerous.


I'm glad you said that.


what a nihilistic worldview. do you also blame demonic influence when people get cancer?

i SAID good day, sir!
